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"see? now that was all in one"

"what the heck did i just watch"

"that was so cuteee!"

"the dramatic end, though. that killed me"

"that was so fun! we should do that more often"

"yeah! let's make saturdays our movie nights!"

"i'm in"

"me too"

"i think everyone is"

"shut up, hoseok"

"so, shall i bring the twister or is it still too early?"

"oh no"

"bring it, bring it!"

"you're too excited, jeongguk. too excited" jin sighed.

"now this will be fun"

"someone's gonna die today, i can feel it on my left ass cheek"

"what the heck, yoongi"


"i'm also bringing snacks"


"kinda wanna eat pizza right now"

"wanna order?"

"let's order"

"jin, that's your cue to get the phone and dial the number"

"the phone's too far"

"it's in your back pocket"

"ugh, fine"

"hobi, you go get the chips. i'll go get the twister"

"ay ay captain"

"what pizza do y'all eat?"

"order a pepperoni one!"

"and a margherita one!"

"and hawaiian one! yum"

"okay, let me change my question. does anyone in here have any allergies?"


"not that i know of"

"nu uh"

"perfect. i'll order whatever i wanna"

"oh, come on!"

"not fair!"

"i want a hawaiian one though..."

"someone help, jeongguk's doing the puppy eyes. get him away from me!"

"jeongguk, no puppy eyes!" taehyung appeared out of nowhere and tackled jeongguk to the ground.

"why not?! i wanted to make him buy me one hawaiian!"

"he will buy one, don't worry. and stop pouting, dammit"

jeongguk pouted even more and crossed his arms over his chest.

"i can't do this, someone help"

"i can handle his cuteness! come here, gguk" jimin dragged him to the couch and sat him down.

"jimin, our savior"

"shut up, i wanted a pizza"

"you're gonna get it"

"nobody's getting anything if y'all don't shut up and let me order in peace" jin shouted after muting himself before he went back to ordering.

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