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the weekend passed with taehyung continuously getting scolded and lectured by hoseok and his father about how he acted like a bitch and was in the wrong. they made him promise that the first thing he did on monday was apologize to jeongguk.

his father even made him cook and take it to school with him to give it to jeongguk as an apology.

and he did it. almost burned down the kitchen a couple of times but he made it to the end of the recipe.

of course his mother had a mini heart attack when she entered the kitchen but that doesn't matter.

what matters is that taehyung's standing in front of jeongguk in the hallway with the lunch box on his hands.

"what?" jeongguk asked coldly making taehyung sweat in nervousness.

"uh-uh, i made um... food" he shoved the lunch box onto jeongguk's hands and ran.

"what the-" jeongguk stared at the lunch box dumbfounded.

● ● ●

"you're so dumb!" hoseok shouted and taehyung apologized to the students around them.

"i know! i know! please, let's just go sit down, yeah? you can diss me over there on that table" taehyung whisper shouted and dragged hoseok to the farthest table.

"why would you run? you imbecile!"

"i'm sorry, hobi! i panicked, okay? i wanted to apologize but he was being so harsh and cold i got scared and ran"

"not an excuse. go back and apologize properly"

"hobiii" taehyung whined, still scared and anxious.

"dont hobi me. go. it needs to be done"

"can i go after lunch?"





"taehyung, no. you need to do it right now. you have twenty more minutes before the bell rings. go" hoseok pushed him away and stood up himself to go to his friends' table.

"he's such a handful sometimes" he complained as he sat down besides yoongi.

"he didn't apologize?"

"he got scared and only managed to give him the lunch box" hoseok sighed as he relaxed his back on the small couch and let yoongi's hand on his thigh soothe him.

"did you eat anything?"

"i didn't"


"thanks, jiminie"

jimin just smiled and fed him.

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