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"okay, kids, get up now"

"come on, up you go!"

"guys, school starts in two minutes"

"...im throwing all the ice cream in the trash"

"dont you dare touch my ice cream, mother, i will bite you" taehyung jumped up from his bed.

"not the ice cream! ill bite you with tae!" hoseok also threatened her from the floor.

"i'll try to keep them away while you run for your life. no promises made though" jin said tiredly as he laid back down on taehyung's bed.

hoseok jumped up from the mattress that was placed on the floor and ran in the bathroom.

"hoseok! you little shit! it's my turn today!" taehyung shouted after him as he ran to the bathroom and banged continuously on the door.

"sorry, seokjin. you can go back to sleep now" taehyung's mother said sweetly as she left the room and closed the door behind her.

"you imbeciles" he mumbled before going back to sleep.

● ● ●

"nooo!" taehyung shouted as his attempt of running in the school without jeongguk catching him failed miserably.

he had ran in the school and was only a few steps away from the hallway when jeongguk caught him.

and he head-locked him again.

"jeongguuuuk" he trashed around trying to get away from jeongguk but nothing seemed to work.

"good morning, taetae! how are you feeling today?" he said all happy and giggly.

"please, let me go" taehyung pleaded but to no avail.

jeongguk shook his head cutely and held his head closer, "no".

"please, gguk"


"i'll cry" jeongguk quickly freed him but before taehyung could run away he hugged him.

"i'm sorry, please don't cryyy" he apologized cutely as he squished taehyung tighter.

"jeongguk, the whole point was to let me go so i could run" taehyung explain his plan and jeongguk giggled.

"i know, silly, that's why im hugging you"


"not rude, just-"

"morning, lovebirds" jimin chirped as he walked passed them.

"morning, jiminie" jeongguk replied as he tightened his grip around taehyung making him groan.

"okay now, let me breathe" taehyung said in a chocked voice.

"oh man, i kinda wanted to kill you"

"what the heck, let go! let goooo!" taehyung moved around and kicked, trying his best to free himself.

"how and why the heck are you so strong. this is illegal. let go of me and never work out again! never!" taehyung shouted and kicked a bit more before he felt himself get lifted up.

"oh no, no no, gguk, at least keep me on the ground, please"

"okay okay. the bell's gonna ring in a few so i'll let you go"

"good boy"

"'m not a dog" he mumbled as he inhaled one last time taehyung's sweet scent.

"you really like strawberries, hm?" he asked and taehyung blushed.

"yeah, it's my favorite fruit" he admitted and jeongguk smiled.

"you better run"

"darn it" he said before he sprinted down the hallway

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