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"do it. come on!" he yelled.

"hold on a second, wont ya?" he yelled back.

"come on, hoseok! theyre gonna be here in a few!"

"i hate this!"

"come on, that kid is obsessed. there must be something good about it"

"ugh, the shit i do in this life" hoseok grunted before chugging down the liquid.

"finally! lets go"

"where to?"

"namjoon. hes in the bedroom"

"you and your boyfriend" he rolled his eyes and skipped down the hall with jin chasing after him.

● ● ●

"kim seokjiiiiin!!!!" taehyung screamed before running out of the kitchen.

once he arrived at seokjin's bedroom he harshly opened the door and walked over to the two boys cuddling on the bed. he grabbed seokjin by his collar and shook him.

"what did you do?!" he yelled.

"it was him!" he pointed at hoseok who was currently sleeping on the couch.

taehyung marched towards him and shook him awake.

"what the hell did you do?!" he yelled again.

"wh-what" hoseok had just woken up by a raging taehyung. scary.

"i asked you what you did! those were for jeongguk! give me my money back this instant!" he yelled before shaking hoseok again.

"wait wait! i didnt do anything! im innocent! it was all jin's idea!" he tried to say.

taehyung instantly stopped his actions and sharply turned his head towards jin, throwing him a glare.

"i bought those for jeongguk!" he screamed and whined at the same time, "you have two choices" he warned, "you either give me money or you go buy the exact amount right now and bring it to my room"

seokjin just gulped before reaching out for his backpack on the floor, besides the bed. he pulled out his wallet but before he could get out any money taehyung snatched it and ran out of the room.

"hey! come back you little scam bag! dont you dare spend a dollar more than what you need!" he screamed but the boy was already out of the house.

taehyung got in his car and drove to the nearest supermarket to buy new cartons of banana milk and a few strawberry flavored ice creams just to piss jin off.

he had spent the whole morning with jeongguk and they ended up eating lunch together as well. taehyung had actually invited jeongguk for dinner too. they had agreed to go home and change to more comfy clothes before preparing dinner.

once taehyung was done shopping (he bought a few extra things for their dinner) he drive back home and arranged everything.

"i still dont get what's so good about banana milk" hoseok mumbled as he entered the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"i dont either but im obsessed with strawberry ice cream so whatever"

"give me my wallet back, you thief!" jin shouted as he entered the kitchen and pointed at taehyung accusingly.

"here. and who are you calling a thief? last time i checked you guys stole all of my banana milk!"

"it was a dare!"

"shut up, hoseok!"

"it was your fault, jin!"

"guys, stop fighting!" namjoon entered the kitchen with his hands on his ears.

"jeongguk's coming over for dinner. are the rest coming?"

"yeah, yoongi's running a little late but he said he's gonna make it"

"what about chim?"

"on his way"


● ● ●

"hi, baby" jeongguk smiled widely when the door opened.

"hi" taehyung smiled back and let the other walk in. he was about to close the door, when he heard a little cough.

"excuse me for existing right now but i'd like to see my boyfriend too" jimin said before pushing the couple away and running to hoseok.

"hey" hoseok whispered.

"hi" jimin whispered back.

"stop kissing. this should be illegal! i dont wanna see you guys get heated damn it!" jin scolded and covered his face on namjoon's neck.

"let's go to the kicthen" namjoon said before dragging jin away from the youngsters.

"ggukie, i got a surprise for you"

"what is it?" he said excitedly.

"after dinner!" taehyung smirked before running to the kitchen.

"is that how you wanna play? okay, two can play this game" ge whispered before chasing after taehyung. "get your pretty little ass here right now!" he shouted after him.

"when's yoongz getting here?"

"he said he would be here before dinner. i guess in around ten to twenty minutes?"

"ugh, i haven't seen him in two days" hoseok whined and jimin chuckled.

"i havent either. i miss him"

"i miss him too"

they hugged and fell in the couch together, not letting go of each other.

"well, you seem to be enjoying your time without me" yoongi said, glancing over the two huge bouquets of flowers to see his boyfriends cuddling without him.


"yoongz!" they both jumped up and ran over to the other.

"oh-ho, easy there pups" he giggled, now laying on the floor with the other two on him.

"are those for me?" jimin asked as he got the bouquet made out of colorful tulips and sniffed it.

"i was gonna give them to the grandma across the road but you could keep them, i guess"

"oh oh! roses!" hoseok said enthusiastically and grabbed the other bouquet.

"i was gonna deliver those to her husband"

"not funny"

"i tried" he shrugged and helped his boyfriends up.

"enough hugging and kissing you disgustingly cute imbeciles! come eat!" jin shouted from the kitchen.

● ● ●

"you got me banana milk! and mot just one box!" jeongguk screamed in happiness as he hugged the life out of taehyung.

"yeah- i did" taehyung chocked out.

"gguk- air-"

"oh shit, sorry!" he let go of taehyung and instead put his hands on taehyung's face and pecked his lips.

"thank youuu~"

"youre welcome~"

"seriously, stop that lovey dovey thing!"

"jin, stop being so salty!"

"come on, joonie, lets go on a date"

"sure, darling. wanna go to the park?"


"let's go" they intertwined their hands and walked out of the house.

of course jin slammed the door shut.

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