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and the day had arrived.

it was the match's day and all the boys were anxious to say the least. everyone was running around trying to find their stuff.

"where's my sock?"

"there where you left it, hoseok."

"where are my shorts? guys, who stole my shorts?"

"shut up, taehyung, they're in the bathroom"

"what are his shorts doing in the bathroom? whatever. i need my shoes"

"go get them"

"i dont know where they are, dumbass"

"just give me more coffee, dammit"

"shut your ass up, yoongi. no more coffee for you"

it was chaos. everyone was trying to find something. if you had a sock, you didn't have a shoe. if you had both, you didn't have pants. you had pants? where's your shirt? everyone was trying to find something. and of course, yoongi was asking for coffee while jimin was acting like his manager.

"guys, i forgot to bring my good socks"

"not now, tae"

"no no, this is serious"

"just call jin"

"great idea, hobi!"

"i know"

"lemme give you a kiss"

and what happened next was a secret. but taehyung called jin and made him get up from his comfy bed and bring him his 'good socks'.

and that's kind of how everyone met jin.

"hello, everyone! where's-" before he could finish, taehyung snatched his socks and ran to a bench to wear his shoes.

"hi, jin!"

"ah, hobi. what's going on?"

"preparing for the match"


"a bit stressed. tae's been dealing with his anxiety lately, you should go talk to him"


"but before you go meet the guys. guys, this is jin, our best friend. jin, these are the guys"

"very helpful, hoseok, thank you"

hoseok just smiled.

"hello! i'm jimin! no more coffee for you!" he shouted when he saw yoongi making coffee and ran to him.

"the one drinking coffee is yoongi. let's just say hes obsessed with coffee"

"i see"

"and that's jeongguk" he pointed at jeongguk who was currently taking a sip from his water bottle but waved at him nonetheless.

"tae's boyfriend" hoseok added quietly before making his way to jimin and yoongi.

jin walked towards taehyung and sat besides him.

taehyung was trying to tie his shoes but his hands were shaking and he was messing up. he had tried to tie his shoes more than five times by now.

"let me help" jin offered and squatted down to tie taehyung's shoes securely.

"thanks, jinnie" taehyung thanked him silently.

"how are you feeling?"

"haven't played in a while...kinda anxious" he chuckled awkwardly as he watched the rest of the team running last minute errands.

"it's okay. just play the way you did in practice"

"i will"

"good job, tae. you're making me unbelievably proud"

taehyung smiled and hugged him.

this meant the world to him.

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