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"this is delicious!" jeongguk exclaimed as he took another spoonful of rise with a small piece of meat and a few vegetables on top.

"i'm glad you like it" taehyung smiled before digging in.

"what about me!" hoseok yelled on his way to the kitchen.

"there's some left in the pot"

"ah, thank you!"

they ate peacefully their food and talked a bit about random topics.

● ● ●

"i need to study a bit more, jeongguk. i will sleep afterwards!"

it was now past two in the morning and jeongguk was begging taehyung to go to sleep.

"come on, tae. please. you need to rest! you have one more day ahead of you"





"you're wasting the time i could use in studying"

jeongguk sighed as he gave up. he was stubborn himself but taehyung was so determined to study that one part he couldn't figure out that exact moment as if he couldn't study it in the morning.

jeongguk got under the covers with his notebook on hand to study a few more notes and hopefully stay awake until taehyung gets in bed too.

"at least study here?" he asked and taehyung shook his head, already half asleep on his desk.

the following half an hour was filled with silence as both the boys were studying. taehyung was on the verge of a breakdown, too tired to remember how to solve the questions but too determined to learn the way to do so.

jeongguk was just memorizing his notes. he had noticed the way taehyung's head would slowly fall but then the boy would wake up and quickly sit straight. he knew taehyung was tired and needed rest.

"tae, come sleep"

"not yet"

"i'll help you tomorrow right after my exam"

"you have an exam tomorrow?!" taehyung snapped at him.

"yeah" jeongguk said softly and taehyung ran to the switch and turned the lights off.

"i'm so sorry, jeongguk. i didn't know! please go to sleep" he said as he blindly made his way back to his desk.

"what are you doing?"

"i'm gonna turn the small lamp on. it's not strong so i the light won't reach you. go to sleep"

"taehyung, i'm staying awake with you"

"no, you're not"

"then come sleep with me"

"jeongguk, please"

"no, taehyung. you obviously need to sleep. your mind is not working and you're just torturing yourself right now. come sleep and i promise i'll come over right after my exam tomorrow to help you"

it took jeongguk sometime to convince taehyung to get in bed with him but he had managed to make him go to sleep and he felt proud.

he pulled taehyung closer to himself and cuddled him.

"sweet dreams"


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