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"finally, food" taehyung was starving.

"finally decided to stop with that diet?"

"yeah. i'll start working out now so i can get stronger than you, you muscle...person!" taehyung insulted jeongguk while their table slowly started getting packed with people.

"morning, guys!" hoseok said as he sat down besides jimin.

"morning, hobi" jimin replied.

"morning" yoongi mumbled as he sat down too. "we have to do some stupid project in history. stupid assignments" he cursed cutely before relaxing on the couch.

"when's the deadline?" hoseok asked and yoongi shrugged.

"sometime next week, i think" he dropped his head back on the couch and sighed.

"hoseok, go get me food" taehyung ordered and hoseok gasped.

"gguk said he was gonna bring me food today! where's the food?" he pointed at jeongguk accusingly.

"sorry, hoseok. i couldn't cook yesterday and i overslept today" jeongguk said in an apologetic voice.

hoseok 'tsk'ed' and snatched taehyung's wallet. "excuses" he said before leaving.

"once a drama queen, always a drama queen" taehyung sighed and fell on the couch as well.

"what happened to y'all today? it's only tuesday and y'all look like death is the only way out"

"the real question is; why do you have so much energy, jimin? did you drink coffee?" jeongguk asked in an imitating tone.

"i did. didn't help" yoongi said, still all over the couch.

"thanks for the food, tae" hoseok came back with two plates as he set one in front of taehyung and he took the other with him.

"oh you didn't!"

"i did" hoseok smiled big before he dug in.

"darn it, hoseok!" he said angrily before also taking a bite.

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