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the match had ended and sadly their team didn't win. they had a one point difference.

in spite of that, jin offered to take the whole team out for dinner to cheer for the first timers and for the good team work. they played so well, it was totally worth a reward.

"come on, guys. you played extremely well, you deserve a good treat" he had said and everyone had immediately agreed to go to the tavern a few blocks away.

"i'll order a bit of everything so everyone can eat, okay? does anyone want anything specifically?"

after settling down on a table and ordering, everyone started conversing with each other.

on one side of the table you would hear comments on the match while on the other you would hear about trends and fashion tips. there was a mix of conversations going on. it was confusing but fun.

most of the guys joined a conversation and when they heard something interesting they would join the other while others just stayed to their conversing buddies.

"so, how do you feel?"

"i'm good. a bit disappointed that we lost but that's also an experience"


"what about you? you were very stressed that you wouldn't be good enough during the match which by the way was totally not worth the stress. you were amazing"

"thanks, tae. i'm a bit disappointed but like you said, that's an experience too. it's not always about winning. and anyway it was fun"

"it was, wasn't it?" taehyung said excitedly. he was so happy he got to play with these people.

"bomi, could you pass me the salt, please?"

"of course"

"you, girls, slayed. there's no doubt we made the right decision in adding you to the team. good job to each and every one of you guys. you truly showed the best version of yourselves today. winning doesn't matter. what matters is; did you have fun?" one of the teachers asked.

"we did!" everyone said in unison and the teachers smiled.

"then that's all that matters. but next time y'all better win or else.." she said and sat back down.

the chit chats continued until it was time for everyone to slowly start leaving.

"do you guys have anyone to pick you up?" jin asked.

"i'm walking back home" yoongi said and jimin nooded, "so am i".

"i'll drop you guys off, no worries"

"or!" hoseok said and looked at taehyung expectantly.

"you could all stay over for tonight?" taehyung finished hoseok's sentence and everyone looked at each other, silently agreeing with each other.

they made sure everyone would go. because they were a team and they wouldn't leave anyone out.

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