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the match ended after the little incident they had.

so what happened was,,

"yoongi! here!" hoseok shouted and moved his hand around to help yoongi spot him easier. he was the only free teammate and yoongi sighed, already expecting the end this had.

he passed a few students skillfully and threw the ball at hoseok just seconds before someone attacked him. and hoseok of course saw the attack and payed no mind to the ball coming his way.

so now hoseok sat on a bed in the infirmary, waiting for the nurse to help with his bleeding nose.

"why didn't you catch the damn ball?" taehyung groaned.

"some guy was attacking yoongi" hoseok tried defending himself.

"and?" taehyung raised his eyebrows.

"..." hoseok stayed silent.

the door opened and in came the ball thrower.

"hoseok, im so sorry, are you okay?" yoongi asked.

"just a broken nose, dont worry" the nurse said and everyone looked at him.

"what" hoseok said with a trempling voice, already picturing himself on a hospital bed with many doctors on top of him.

"oh my gosh, im so sorry!" yoongi said again, now from besides him.

"i'm just kidding boys. he's perfectly fine, just a little bleeding" the nurse said and gave hoseok a paper.

"you can stay here for the rest of the day or go back home if you dont feel well. you're excused" the nurse informed and left the room.

"let's leave, hobi. i will ditch" taehyung said and got a smack on his head.

"there's no way i'm letting you ditch. go to your class" hoseok scolded and taehyung left the room with a sad puppy look on his face and head hang low.

"you too yoongi"

"i'll stay here with you" yoongi said and sat besides hoseok.

"fine" hoseok agreed and lied back on the bed, yoongi mirrored his actions and they stayed in silence.

until finally one of them started talking which led to many more conversations that lasted until the last bell of the day had rang and it was finally time to leave school.

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