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"hello, guys" namjoon gritted everyone and everyone gritted back.

"how are you guys? i heard your exams are over"

"yeah, that was a torture" hoseok said and got a smack from taehyung.

"i swear on your leg, you were the most relaxed one"

"oh shut up, i had my fair share with anxiety"

"sure thing you did"

"jin helped me prepare dinner. are y'all hungry?" namjoon cut in before a fight broke out.

"yes!" everyone shouted and they all ran to the kitchen.

they sat down at namjoon served the still hot pasta.

"so, is there a purpose behind the invitation?" jeongguk asked.

"smart. yes, actually. i wanted to get to know you guys" namjoon answered with a smile.

"we also kind of have something to say but after dinner" jin added.

"what? that you're together?" taehyung said with a stuffed mouth making them both blush.

"yeah, actually" namjoon replied as he sat down.

"were we that obvious?" he asked and taehyung nodded.

"jin barely ever stepped in the house"

"yeah, he also took a few of his clothes with him whenever he said he was coming here"

"dang it, should've been more careful"

"does it really matter?" hoseok teased and jin shrugged.

"i kinda wanna go out. what if we go to a cafe after dinner?" jimin suggested and everyone nodded.

"fuck exams" yoongi exclaimed before stuffing his mouth.

"this is very tasty, by the way"

"of course, i helped"

"shut up, jin"

"you shut up. i'm the best cook"

"no, jeongguk is"

"hoseok, i'll throw my shoe at you"

"stop being so possessive, taehyung"

"'m not possessive"

"jeongguk, take care of your boyfriend"

"we're not together"


"hoseok, you're burying yourself deeper"

"that's okay, there's no more depth"

"what the heck is wrong with you guys"

"i wish i could answer that question but i myself don't know"


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