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"he's nice, you can have him" taehyung said before licking his ice cream.

"wow, thanks, tae" jin said before doing the same.

"do you think he came back for you?" hoseok asked and bit down on his ice cream.

"you psycho" taehyung whispered.

"shut up"

"i don't think so, hobi. he wouldn't take such a risk for some random person he had just met"

"love makes you do crazy things"

"says philosopher taehyung"

"shut up, hoseok"

the three boys sat peacefully on a bench in the park as they talked about random things that came to mind.

it had been a long time since they last went out together. just the three of them.



"i might like someone"

"we been knew"

"i'm serious, tae"

"i know"

"we can see it from miles away, hobi" jin teased.

"for real? am i too obvious?"

"no no, you're good. why don't you tell them, though?" jin asked.

"kinda scared it will sound weird and crazy, i don't know"

"all of us are crazy"

"yeah, i know"

"wow okay. talk about yourselves"

"you're crazy too, jin"

"anyways, back to you"

"right, so i kinda wanna confess but i dont know how to?"

"just follow your heart" jin advised.

"yeah yeah, but how do i make this special?"

"you're gonna confess to two people, that's already special enough"

"you know, tae's kinda right. just uh, maybe bring them here or take them out to eat or something? make it a bit romantic"

"alright, i'll try"

"what about you, tae?"

"he's waiting for jeongguk to make the first step"

"not true!"

"oh, yeah?"

"...fine, maybe i am. what about it?"

"nothing, just saying"

"maybe you should make the first step? y'all are taking forever"

"yeah, you're the one talking"

"i've known namjoon for barely three weeks, shut up"

"who said i was talking about namjoon?"

"hoseok, he's the only one you talk about when it comes to my love life"

"he's got a point"

"shut up, taehyung"

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