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a loud bang was heard and shouts exploded one after the other, right after.

"open the damn door!"

"you guys really just locked us in here?"

" hobi, what the heck?"

"jimin! open the door! you know i have plans later today!"

"hobi, you traitor. i should've never trusted you"

and the shouts went on and on for a few more minutes until they completely stopped and the boys inside the dark room sighed.

"we didnt lock you guys inside. the door closed and to open it we need the keys" jimin informed.

"well then what are you still doing here?" jeongguk shouted.

"right, we're gonna go search for the teacher. you guys stay in there, okay?" hoseok asked, trying to keep his laughter in.

"where the fuck could we go, you dumbass?" taehyung talked back and slid down on the door.

"i hate you, hobi"

"we will be back later. y'all can relax in there" yoongi said this time and took the boys' hands and ran out of the room.

and silence fell in the storage room.

"are there no lights?"

"how would i know, jeongguk?"

"i just asked, no need to be this rude"

taehyung sighed and nodded his head even though jeongguk couldn't see him.

"let's search then" they both agreed and got up from the floor. they put their hands on the wall and started sliding them here and there, looking for the switch.




"what is it?"

"just checking if you're still alive"

taehyung rolled his eyes.

"i am"


and seconds later they both shouted.

"what was that?!" both asked at the same time.

"was that you?" they asked again.

"darn it, jeongguk"

"what did i do?!"

"why did you come towards me?"

"because i was pretty sure you missed the switch"


a click was heard and the room lit up.

"see? you missed the switch" jeongguk grinned and took a mat and sat on it.

"if you knew where the switch was why did you make me search for it?"

"i didnt know where it was, i just checked my side"

"and how were you so sure you hadn't missed it?"

"because i checked twice"


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