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"good morning, tae! how-" taehyung turned around and pulled jeongguk to the side of the hallway.

"this needs to stop" he said determined.

jeongguk hid the lunch box behind him as he stared at taehyung, waiting for him to explain.

"all of this, the lunch box and-and, i dont know, the attention seeking thing, all of it needs to stop" taehyung said, his mind blank.

"what? attention seeking? i just wanted to-" jeongguk tried to explain himself but taehyung rudely cut him off.

"stop this. stop being an annoying little bitch" and with that he left. he left jeongguk alone in the hallway with tears threatening to spill.

● ● ●

"no food today?" hoseok asked and taehyung shook his head.

"no more food. you want food, you buy food"

"well then go, peasant" he shoved taehyung out of the chair and gave him money.

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