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let's just say they all survived that day. there was a little drowning and chocking but i won't get into details to save the guys from further embarrassment.

it was now monday again and the boys were back to school, refreshed and happy.

"so, when's jin's boyfriend coming?" taehyung asked as he took a bite of his lunch.

"he said he's gonna go back overseas for a week or so and they're gonna come back together. i think jin's leaving tomorrow?" hoseok gave all the information he had and taehyung nodded.

"stupid music project stupid stupid stupid" jeongguk mumbled grumpily as he sat down on their table with a lunch box on one hand and a plate on the other.

"what happened?"

"it took me weeks to finish that stupid project and she dared give me a b for it. stupid teacher, stupid project" jeongguk passed the lunch box to hoseok and sighed.

"woah, calm down, ggukie! it's alright. a b is not that bad" taehyung rubbed his back, trying to help the stressed boy relax.

"it is! i didn't sleep for a week to finish that stupid project!" he whined and crossed his hands in front of his chest.

"it's okay, ggukie. we can go talk to her after lunch if you want?"

jeongguk relaxed at that and shook his head.

"no, it's okay. i don't want to cause any trouble"

"no, gguk. if you really think the effort and time you put in that project deserves more then we're going" taehyung said determined to help him.

jeongguk sighed and looked at taehyung with a smile. "thanks, taehyungie. i think i'll just deal with it on my own"

"alright" taehyung nodded and snatched the lunch box from hoseok.

"don't eat the food he made!"

"why not? i asked for it!"

"i wanna eat it!"

"ask him to make you your own, then!"

"i'm eating this one!" taehyung quickly took a bite as he tried to hide the lunch box from hoseok.

"oh my gosh? what the heck?" he took another bite and let a moan slip past his lips.

"what the heck?! this is so good?!" he shouted and quickly ate whatever hoseok had left.

"is this what i've been missing out on? what the heck, hoseok?" he got angry at his best friend.

"not my fault! i told you many times to try it!" he defended himself and taehyung sighed.


"nu uh, he's not making you food! jeongguk, he ate my food!"

"ggukieee! i want more!"

"jeongguk, do something! he ate all of my food!"


"guys shut up, you're stressing the poor boy out" jimin said as he also sat down on the couch circling the table.

"where's yoongi?"

"he got held back by some teacher"



"no no, i think he lost one of his classes and the teacher offered to give him some notes or something like that"

"there go my hopes"

"you wanted him to get in trouble?" jimin asked in disbelief.

"no no, just wanted some action, you know? everything's the same every day"

"bitch we went swimming yesterday"


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