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after making five stops and everyone got dressed, they made their way to the beach.

"ah, it's so nice here!"

"of course it is, hobi"

"i want ice cream"

"we just arrived, taehyung"

"there's no specific time for ice cream"

"shut up"

"let's go sit there!"

"where does all this energy come from"

"stop being so grumpy, yoongi"

"come on, gguk! buy me ice cream!"

"in a bit, tae. let's go for a swim first"


"so stubborn and for what"

"come on, guys. let's just sit over here"

"jin, your boyfriend is calling"

"shut up, he's not my boyfriend"

"answer answer!"

"jeongguk, come get your boyfriend"

"not my boyfriend" he mumbled but then whispered "yet" but everyone heard him.

"yet, huh?"

"look at tae blushing"

"guys, shut up, i can't hear anything"

"then go over there"


"i cant believe this. the disrespect"

"i want ice cream, dammit!"

"let's go get one, tae"

"finally! let's go, hobi!"

"i'll tag along!"

"no, you stay here! you didn't want to come with me when i asked"

"come on, tae! i just said we could go for a swim first"

"don't you dare pout, jeongguk. i'll make jimin beat your ass"

"and what's he gonna do? bite my kneecaps?"

"oh yes the hell i will. try me"

"no no! i was kidding! jiminn! come get your boyfriend, people! taehyung, help!"

"y'all are too loud"

it was chaos once again. teasing and running around. whining and laughing. they were having fun together.

it was all going perfect for them.

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