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"finally, friday!" taehyung exhaled already exhausted from all the running their pe teacher made them do.

"it's been friday since the morning" hoseok deadpanned, also tired from running.

"okay kids, there are mats in the storage room. everyone go and take one" all the students groaned but obliged anyway, not wanting to get in trouble.

"he's gonna make us actually work out, isn't he?" taehyung asked and hoseok nodded.

"prepare for death"

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"you guys are so lazy! what's with the groans and sighs? y'all will have to go through military and you're already crying, you twats!" the teacher shouted, making the boys work out harder.

"and you girls, not everything is about nails! i hope my wife would protect me the way she protects them..." he sighed and shook his head.

"y'all lazy asses. next time nobody will be allowed to rest" he warned and checked the time.

"there are five more minutes left" everyone's hopes went up, "don't stop until the bell rings" and they crashed right after.

a few push ups and struggles later the bell rang.

"okay guys, you can go now. except from taehyung, hoseok, jeongguk, baekhyun, yoongi, jimin, yugyeom, shotaro, yuta, taeil, jaehyeong and dojoon" the teacher said and everyone except the twelve left.

"listen here, we've decided that not everyone will get to the trials next week. we found the best players of the school and we will ask if they want to be in the team. so, does anyone in here refuse to be in the school's basketball team?" he asked.


"perfect. we have a few more students from the other classes that have asked to be in the team so it's between you guys now. we will decide who the main twelve will be next week. for now all of you try your best to get better at it. well as much as you can. there's not much time" the teacher said and sighs and groans were heard.

"uh" everyone turned to jeongguk.

"sorry sir, but um, what about this?" he asked as he pointed to his leg.

"you said you'll be fine by next week, right?" the teacher asked, now concerned that one of his best players wouldn't be able to make it to the team.

"yes but-"

"perfect then! okay boys you're free to go. just clean up before you do. we need to get these mats back to their place" he said and left the room.

the boys groaned but obliged nonetheless.

"let's make this quick" jaehyeong said and everyone nodded.

"let's fold all of them first and let taehyung and jeongguk take them in the storage room. it will be much quicker this way" and even if anyone wanted to disagree, the glare yoongi sent them was enough to keep them shut.

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