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"i totally failed this one"

"it's okay, tae. just study a bit harder for the next one, yeah?" jeongguk tried to comfort him.

"yeah..." a sad taehyung said and sighed.

"i'll get going then. i should start my revision for the next exam"

"alright. text or call me if you need anything" jeongguk said and taehyung nodded his head and smiled.

"thanks, ggukie, i will. you too"

"okay" they both nodded and hugged before they both went to their own houses.

● ● ●

"i'm home" taehyung mumbled before going to his room.

jin was at namjoon's again. hoseok was sitting in the living room, watching a movie and eating chips.

how was hoseok eating chips so early in the morning? why was he even awake at this hour?

taehyung shook his head to get rid of his thoughts and sat down on his desk to revise his next subject; mathematics. oh how he hated maths.

● ● ●

"hoseokkk!" taehyung shouted from his room.

"what?" hoseok shouted back from the living room.

"i need help with maths!"

"can't help! i suck at maths!"

taehyung sighed and let himself fall on his books. he was getting tired.

he was about to make himself stay up all night to study maths, even if he didn't understand anything.

just then his phone rang.


he answered the call and put it on speaker.

"hello? tae?"


"what are you doing?"

"trying to study"

"you should take a break, you sound tired"

"it's alright. i need to get this over with"

"are you planning on pulling an all nighter?"


"do you need help with maths?"

"i do, yeah. i feel like ill stay up all night for absolutely no reason"

"i'm coming over. open the door in five" jeongguk hang up right after, not letting taehyung say anything.

and all taehyung did was lay on his books again for the next four minutes.

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