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taehyung's class had pe with hoseok's and jeongguk's.

they had pe three times a week. one on tuesday on the fourth period, one on wednesday on the third period and one on friday, last period.

"when's the weekend arriving" taehyung whined and hoseok sighed.

"in three days. now shut up and come play basketball with me" hoseok pulled his friend, already tired from all the whining and laziness.

"i don't wanna playyy!"

"is there a problem here?" their teacher asked and taehyung quickly got up from the bench.

"no sir!" he pushed hoseok and they joined a team.

the pe teacher, with a knowing smile on his face, walked towards jeongguk.

"how's the leg, soldier?" he asked the boy on the bench.

"hello sir!" jeongguk saluted.

"its getting better. doctor said ill be able to play again by next week"

"perfect. we will have the trials next week then"

"trials?"jeongguk asked. didn't they already have them?

"yes. for the school's team, you know"

"i thought you had already chosen the school's team?"

"you need to be in it. now, don't waste my time and warm up your hands" the teacher walked away, now paying attention to the students playing basketball.

jeongguk did as told and worked on his upper body.

"please, you guys suck more than jeongguk with a broken leg" jeongguk heard and giggled.

"gguk!" he turned around and saw his friend waving at him while walking up to him.

"ayo, yugi! what's up?"

"today's class is so boring" yugyeom said, maybe a bit too loudly.

"did you say something, soldier?"

"no sir!"

"get back to the game! nobody's lazing around in my class!" the teacher shouted and yugyeom scurried away in fear.

"good luck, yugi!" jeongguk shouted and lifted the 2kg weights, one on each hand. since he couldn't play basketball he figured he would work out instead.

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