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after almost having a mini panic attack, taehyung came to conclusion that he couldn't pick his clothes on his own and needed a friend's help.

"taehyung, give me my boyfriend back!" hoseok banged on the door.

"you have the other one" he quickly replied as he waited for jimin to pick him an outfit.

"taeee! we just got together! this is so not fair! i'm so gonna steal jeongguk-" the door harshly opened.

"no the fuck you won't" he growled before closing the door again.

"here, try these" jimin handed him a pair of clothes and pushed him in the bathroom.

"babe, open the door" hoseok said as he heard taehyung shut the bathroom's door.

"hang on a minute" jimin replied.

taehyung came out of the bathroom a few moments later looking like a total snack. he was wearing a dark colored silky shirt with black high waisted skinny ripped jeans.

"damn, i'm the best"

"you really are" taehyung hugged him as a thank you and quickly fixed his hair. it was still fluffy but less messy.

"you look perfect" jimin complimented.

"thank you so much, chim. you've saved the day" taehyung kissed his cheek before running out of the room.

he had just gotten a message from jeongguk to open the front door.



"you look amazing"

"thank you. same goes to you"

"thank you. let's go?"

taehyung nodded and took jeongguk's extended hand.

"where are we gonna go?"

"we're gonna take a bus to the beach since none of us drives yet" he giggled and taehyung smiled.

"you should've told me to dress comfy"

"i'm gonna take you to a restaurant by the beach, tae"


they continued chatting as they waited for the bus to arrive at the bus stop.

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