50 (epiloge)

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"okay, that's enough. you guys have no idea how to play pantomime" jin sighed in disappointment.

"we don't? how would i know you didn't make these rules up?" jimin sassed.

"babe, please" yoongi tried to calm jimin down to prevent a fight from happening.

"jin, we've been playing this game for years. has my whole life been a life?" taehyung dramatically fell on his boyfriend with a hand on his forehead.

"oh no, my angel is dying! how dare you lie to him, jin?!" jeongguk played along.

"are y'all serious?" jin asked in disbelief.

"why is everyone attacking my prince?" namjoon joined the conversation.

"he's a liar!" hoseok pointed at jin while he held jimin close to him to protect him from jin.

"y'all dumbasses" yoongi mumbled as he got up to walk away but was pulled back by hoseok.

"nu uh, if we suffer, you suffer" he said with a sweet smiled and hugged yoongi too while jimin giggled cutely.

"come here, my prince. i shall protect you with my life!" namjoon said as he picked jin up and ran around the living room with jeongguk and taehyung chasing after them.

it was a peaceful chaos. and everyone adored it.

they wouldn't change it for the world.

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