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taehyung was once again standing in front of jeongguk. this time they weren't alone, though.

"can i- uh, talk to you...in private?" taehyung asked.

"sure" jeongguk replied. he said something to yugyeom before he silently followed taehyung.

they entered an empty classroom and taehyung closed the door so they wouldn't get interrupted by anyone.

"what is it?"

"uh...the um...the lunch box..."

"the lunch box you gave me? what about it?" taehyung nodded and tried to calm himself down so he could speak without stuttering.

"it was um...an apology" he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"because i acted like a jerk to you. i'm sorry" he started slightly shaking. it didn't go unnoticed by jeongguk.

his eyes softened and his hand went on his shoulder unconsciously.

"it's okay" it took taehyung a moment to process the words before he shook his head and asked, "it is?" and jeongguk nodded.

because it was okay. anything could've happened to taehyung that day and he might have accidentally taken it out on jeongguk. maybe taehyung had a problem. maybe he just didnt know how to express himself that well. maybe he was just like that and people just needed to gain his trust.

jeongguk didn't judge him. he never did. he was just kind of upset with the way taehyung had handled things and with himself for not getting the message earlier.

"it is. i'm sorry for also acting like a jerk" jeongguk chuckled and sat on one of the many tables.

"you didn't. you were just protecting yourself. i'm sorry i made you feel bad if i did and i'm sorry for lashing out on you when all you did was show me kindness" taehyung sighed, his nerves still playing with his body.

jeongguk had noticed taehyung's habits. he also noticed the way he would shake whenever he talked to someone he didn't know very well. for example a classmate. he never shook while talking to hoseok, though. he seemed very comfortable with him.

"that's fine. i forgive you"

"thank you"

"are you planning on running away again? jeongguk joked with a little chuckle following his words.

taehyung shook his head and took another deep breath.

"i'm not. that was my anxiety acting up. i'm sorry for that too" jeongguk just chuckled and tried to think of something to make taehyung relax.

"well, how about we start over?" he offered and taehyung looked at him as he extended his hand and smiled.

"i'm jeon jeongguk. i'm a senior. i'm in the school's basketball team and i also participate in many art competitions" he smiled as he waited for taehyung to introduce himself.

"i'm...i'm kim taehyung, also a senior... i'm also in the school's basketball team and i participate in many music contests" he shook jeongguk's hand and smiled.

"cool! let's be friends"

"cool" taehyung nodded and smiled more.

"that would be nice" he whispered.

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