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exams were just around the corner.

the boys were all face planted in their books, studying their asses off to get good grades since it was their last year and they needed to get into university.

well almost all of them at least.

hoseok ended up confessing to yoongi and jimin but they had all agreed to get together after their exams finished. they all thought it would be harder to be in a relationship and focus on studies so they said they would stay just friends til they were done.

taehyung never told jeongguk anything. he was too scared to get rejected even though he already kind of knew jeongguk liked him back.

and jin, well, namjoon had gotten his own place by now and jin was spending most of his time there so everyone assumed they were already dating but just hadn't announced it yet.

"we have two weeks left"

"i know, right?"

"how are you, tae?"

"i'm good, hobi. you?"

"i'm great. you know i'm not aiming for a university so i'm pretty relaxed. just studying to get good grades for the future"

"i see. i need to study for my entrance exams too"


● ● ●

"hey, why don't we call everyone here? we could all study together!" hoseok said and taehyung immediately shot up.

"that's a brilliant idea! let me call jeongguk"

"i'll call the rest" taehyung nodded as he raised his phone to his ear, already calling jeongguk.

● ● ●

"hello, guys! wait- where's jimin?"

"he said he can't study with people and that he's gonna pass by later to hang out"

"ah, i see"

taehyung didn't need to invite them in anymore, they just walked inside on their own and sat down around the table in the living room.

let the study session begin.

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