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"okay, that's totally not fair. you totally cheated!" jin screamed at he lost another uno round.

"i totally didn't!" hoseok defended himself as taehyung lied on the couch, hands and legs spread.

"i hate summer" he complained to no one as his friends fought besides him.

"you little cheater! i'm not feeding you!"

"fine! i'll tell jeongguk to cook for me!"

"hey, leave jeongguk out of this!"

"who's jeongguk?"

"his boyfriend"

"my friend- hey! he's not my boyfriend!"


"you guys really left me out of the high school gossip. i'm hurt"

"you literally came from overseas today"

" do you or do you not have a damn phone"


"that's what i thought"

"jin, someone's calling you" hoseok gave him his buzzing phone.

"oh? lemme see!" taehyung jumped on jin, trying to see the caller id.

"hello, -taehyung get off me- namjoon? yes yes, i can hear you clearly. mhm. yes. alright...uh, no i'll go back in a month or so...okay. okay yeah i can do that. yeah send it to me. thanks. later"

"what what?!" both boys asked and jin sighed.

"there was some problem with the company again"

"again?" both the boys asked in sync.

"yeah. actually, namjoon's a lawyer and we kinda met during my time in jail" jin chuckled nervously waiting for the boys' reaction.

"you went to jail?!" both of them screamed.

"i did, yeah. there was some problem with a product in my company and it was just overnight, i dont even know why they felt the need to do that, but yeah" jin explained the situation.

"so, is namjoon your boyfriend?"

"no, hoseok. we're acquaintances"

"sure thing"

"i need ice cream"

"how was your date yesterday, tae?"

taehyung blushed. he was craving ice cream and was already reminded of the previous day but now that hoseok actually voiced his thoughts he felt embarrassed.

"wasn't a date" he mumbled and got up to check if they had any ice cream in the freezer.

"look at him turn all baby mode" jin teased as he also got up, figuring it was time to make dinner.

"taehyungie, me and your father will be eating dinner outside today" taehyung read out loud the post it note that sticking to the fridge and smiled.

"ew, love"

"shut up hoseok you have two boyfriends" hoseok gasped.

"you didn't!"

"i did"

"damn you, tae!" hoseok jumped on him and snatched the ice cream from his hands.

"hey! my ice cream!"

"you guys really left me out of the high school life" jin said in a hurt voice.

"you left us out of the adult life, jinnie. you in jail? and you didnt tell us? very disappointed, jin, very disappointed"

"shut up, hoseok, you have two boyfriends" jin sassed back.

"they're not my boyfriends!"

"oh yes the hell they are" taehyung said as he snatched his ice cream back and licked it to make sure hoseok didnt take it back.

"see? taehyung knows better"

"he's literally denying he has a boyfriend when he went out with him just yesterday" hoseok stated and snatched back the ice cream and bit down on it.

"i licked that" taehyung whispered and hoseok shrugged.

"jokes on you if you think that will stop me"

"darn it, hoseok" taehyung said disappointed.

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