Chapter One

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I always considered myself a good person everything I do is always for someone else. That was the way I was bought up by my adoptive father, I have no idea who my real parents are and whether or not they were like me, or even look like me, I have always wondered was it my mom who gave me my light green eyes that everyone said sparkled in the night or my light blonde hair that was now tied in a tight bun on top of my head, was my father as short as me who was just five foot five or that my skin was pale. The one thing I always wanted to do was help others and that was the main thing I always wondered about them and made me want to help other people even more which was exactly what I intend to do. My name is Ember Lavisia, I am only nineteen years old and so far I think I have accomplished most of what I wanted to do. I work in a care home and I thoroughly enjoy it. "Evelyn your dinner is going to be cold would you try and eat some more please" Evelyn looked at me with sad eyes, My heart clenched whenever I saw her. Her sons never see her, she's all alone and I have always tried my best to speak to her and give her some warmth well at least some company. "Evelyn Please try and eat" She smiled but still didn't pick her fork up, still holding the sadness that swelled in those blue eyes. "What is going on?" Louise came behind me and sat by Evelyn side then with a sigh she looked at me "Refusing to eat again" She said I didn't respond with speech I just simply nodded, one thing I hated was talking about people as if they wasn't there. "Evelyn you need to eat" Louise told her, Evelyn again just smiled but still didn't pick up her fork. "Ember can you start preparing the tea trolley I will stay with Evelyn" I nodded and retreated to the kitchen It was hard to watch but in the end there was not much else you could do.  

At the end of my shift I walked home the cool wind hitting my face. I could hear the noise of the cars whizzing past me, could hear the children shouting from the near park, everything around me was full of noise but that didn't stop my brain from flowing with thoughts and dreams, it kept going until I reached home. "I'm home father" I called listening to the curses from the kitchen "Hey Em how was work?" I walked towards the kitchen and I could not help but laugh, the pots were over boiling and there was a strong scent of burnt chicken. "Dad I told you if you wait I will make the dinner you know you burn everything that you make" He smiled as he moved the pan to the other stove. "Well I can't expect you to work and then come home and cook can I and anyway I am a great cook" I laughed again this time with my dads face dropping "What's so funny?" He asked looking at me with a frown "Well every time you have cooked its either burnt or I have to buy new pots and pans" My father looked down and smiled "Ok you win make something yummy" he walked past as I walked over starting to rectify the damage my father made, you know I have no idea what he would do without me. By the time the day was ended my belly was full of dinner and ice cream with new fond memories of a great day, now I was lying in bed with my comfortable blue pyjamas slowly dropping off in a unusual dream. 

 I was standing in a red bedroom my bare feet feeling soft black carpeting, on the other side of the room was a grand red fourposter bed decorated with rose petals layered on the top. I looked down feeling my hands on not my blue pyjamas but now a black silk night grown that was so revealing I felt uncomfortable. Even though I knew it was a dream for some reason I felt very uneasy where my heart was skipping a beat, it felt way to real and that made me very very nervous. "What's going on?" I whispered to myself slowly walking to the bed touching the soft fabric with the palm of my hand. Something was not right I could feel a presence in the room, I could smell something delicious but not the sort that you want to eat but something more of a irresistible smell that got your insides in a twist. Suddenly strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me against a hard chest, my heart was pounding as a breath touched my neck             "I finally found you Ember, how I have been waiting" I screamed and jumped on the bed knowing full well the man let me move out his arms. I turned round and saw the most handsome man I have ever seen, his eyes were as black as onyx, his hair tousled and dark, he was wearing a red suit with a black shirt underneath a few buttons purposely open so I could see his hard chest underneath, but the worst of all his mouth was lifted into a side grin and for some reason that just made me want to go back into his arms. He had such a young face but it still showed a sort of maturity one that looked dangerous even experienced but irresistible all in one, he was gorgeous a fine sculptured piece of art with such chiselled features but for some reason he also gave a aura that was not meant to be trusted which made me terrified.              "Who are you?" I asked not being able to control the shake in my voice. The stranger continued to smile slowly taking a few steps towards me on the bed, he didn't join me but instead leaned up the bed post smirking at me with his arms folded showing biceps that had my head spinning. Excuse me dirty thoughts control yourself "I am the one you are destined to be with" He said his voice as handsome as him, it sent shivers down my entire body. I stared back slowly getting off the bed, walking towards a window which was further away from the bed while getting further away from him, even though my body was reacting in this inappropriate way, my brain was telling me completely different even if this was a dream. There was nothing but darkness outside the windows with a few bright stars, we must of been high up if I could not see any buildings. His eyes didn't leave me they just stared at me and if I am not mistaken filled with something sinister "Your crazy and this is just a dream, my dream and I control what happens in my dream" I said trying to put as much sharpness in my voice as I could but I'm pretty sure I completely failed. Once again he had that smirk but instead of responding he slowly leaned off the bed post and walked towards me "No can stay there, this is my dream and I do not intend to do anything" I stuttered he didn't answer me but just continued to walk until he was so close I could feel his body against mine his hands on either side of me against the window frame          "How can I stay away from such beauty" His eyes travelled down my body making me wish I had my pyjamas on instead of this nightgown. "wha..wha..what?" My face was heating up and even though everything in my soul was telling me this unknown man was crazy my body completely disagreed and wanted nothing more but to rip those clothes off this creature of sex appeal. What am I saying? Damn my hormones are on the bad list from now on. His hand slowly lifted up and stroked the side of my cheek causing my breathing to speed up in the process "You are mine" was all he whispered as he slowly bent down, his lips was so close to mine now. I pushed him back with all my might while my whole being a quivering mess.                                                                       "What is wrong with you and why are you even in my dream?" He looked at me then started to laugh which clicked me back to my senses. "Dream? you think this is a dream, oh my precious gem this is not a dream and definitely not yours" I stood there not knowing what else to say, how can this not be a dream? How can this not be my dream? I'm lying in bed and this is nothing but a naughty dream or even a nightmare. I started to walk towards him and then as I got close I ran heading for the door but as I turned the handle and pulled my face dropped. In front of me was nothing but a giant wall "What the hell" I didn't know what to do I was trapped in a room with this man who gave me nothing but evil vibes and inappropriate feelings. "You are mine did I not make that clear" He was once again behind me and this time he turned me around his hands a tight grip on my arms. I looked down noticing the most strangest ring I had ever seen on his middle finger, it was black and gold with a strange symbol, it was a pentagram except it had a wilting black rose in the middle.  The tears that suddenly started rolling down my cheeks I could not help my eyes streaming and staining my cheeks "Let me go" I croaked, the mysterious stranger stared at me then slammed me up the wall, the full impact hurting my back while suddenly his lips were on mine, kissing me with such force that all I could do was push against his chest, he slowly released me a huge smile on his face, those dark eyes gleaming something sinister "Until the next time Ember" Was all he said when I awoke in a cold sweat.  

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