Chapter Sixteen

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Author notes 

Sorry I am very late with this chapter I been uploading The Key Of The End If not read please do its one of the first books I ever written and is I think a great horror. Well now I'm back on Devils Bride hope you enjoy please vote and comment and share this story if you enjoy. Love you guys. 

We must have been walking for over an hour, Damn Ashton said it wouldn't be long the liar, my feet were sore I was still tired from killing that snake with Ashton and all I wanted to do was go to sleep but we just kept walking in the darkening forest "Over there look" Ashton said holding my hand tightly as he pointed with the other one to an opening in the forest. I could see a beautiful orange coming through the trees "Let's get out of here then" I pulled Ashton with me as I ran towards that freedom, I could hear Elijah behind me, his footsteps catching up with ours. As soon as I got out that hell hole, I stopped pulling my hand out of Ashton breathing a sigh of relief "Well I think this is the perfect time to rest and get some sleep" Elijah says, I look up at him then at my surroundings, oh my god it was stunning. A massive lake was glistening right in front of us, On the other side there was the most beautiful pink crystal house, no it was bigger than a house maybe a mansion but a little bit smaller, oh I don't know it was like a crystal building surrounded by huge trees. I mean I am not a lover of pink but wow it was breath taking, I couldn't see much but my god as a little girl this would have been a dream come true, from the pink crystal home to the view of a lake that lived near it. Elijah came next to me his face not being as in shock as my own "Do not be drawn to the beauty Em" He says to me as Ashton goes to my other side "hmmm well this is going to be fun" He says a smirk lifting on the side of his face "Wait you two know who lives in there?" I asked pointing towards the crystal beauty "I know of her but not in person" Elijah answers observing the view in front "Well never mind that come on we are going this way for now" He grabs my hand again and walks me further on. After I would say another five minutes we reach a small building, it was nothing fancy but much better than the shack Elijah had me in. It was just what looked like a small bungalow "Well better than a cave" I say side smiling at Elijah but to my surprise he was just standing there with the cutest confused look on his face "What am I meant to be seeing?" He asks, I was about to say something in the line of uhm the little house in front of your face, but Ashton beat me to it "A house but unfortunately only me and my bride can see it. As our powers are connected, we can also share and see our abilities" Again I was about to reply but Elijah this time interrupted me "She is not your bride" He spits, I roll my eyes and finally speak "Your right I am not his bride. Ashton, can you sort this out I am shattered" I say rubbing my eyes, He smiles at me and with a flick of his glowing red hand Elijah finally sees what we saw "This is what you had to hide. Pitiful" He says with a snarl "Better than the wooden atrocity you were in" He bites back but me I didn't care I just walked past them opened the door and went inside hoping to find a bed, so I didn't have to sleep on the floor. 

Let me just say the inside was so much better than the outside it was gorgeous, decorated in black and red marble with picture of different scenery's which closer inspection had me believe they were paintings of the places of this world. There was also a lot of women in nothing but skimpy outfits, they were the most beautiful women I ever seen, some had light brown hair that looked like caramel, some had gorgeous grass green hair, and some had the most beautiful pure white hair walking around the house staring at Ashton and then Elijah with nothing but lust. Well, the dreams I had I was not surprised what had me completely confused though was how many giant rooms were in this tiny little bungalow there was no way it was possible. "Ahh I see you used an illusion spell" Elijah announced walking towards the sitting room that held a grand wooden fireplace with leather sofas, when he reached the chair, he slumped himself down. Ashton walked towards me grabbed my hands and walked us to the sitting room while I looked in every direction spotting a spiral staircase leading to bedrooms. "Not yet" Ashton says as he sees my eyes looking up. We both sit down as Elijah to is observing his surroundings "So you used an illusion spell to cover up what? A castle" I ask him, he smiles "A mansion not a castle my princess" Elijah glares but doesn't say anything. "Ok I think food and then bed is in order" Ashton says clapping his hands. A small young man comes running out with a tray of what looked like orange juice, but you never know in a place like this. "Trevor please tell the kitchens to make us something delicious but quick I think we are all very tired" Trevor who couldn't be more than five foot three only nods then runs back once we grab our drinks. I hold the glass up to my eyes looking for any signs of spiking or maybe even something funny, Ashton laughs at me "What you think I would drug my soul mate" my eyes immediately meet his beautiful dark ones "No but you would drug me" Elijah says also observing his drink "No my friend I would use a more fun way of ending you" Ashton says in a mocking sort of way. Ignoring the two of them now bickering, I take a slow swig and my oh my it was delicious, it wasn't orange juice but more of a sweeter kind of juice something I never had before it was Divine, and I drunk it all. "How many more times She's not your bride" Elijah stand up his hand once again glowing that beautiful blue. Ashton however remained seated leaning back looking not one bit scare. Well, I would have been. "Why do you get so upset about me and Ember little pup. Why not tell us?" I look up and see Elijah has gone completely embarrassed, his cheeks have gone red and what remained of his anger dissipated "No, it's none of your business" He says quietly before walking away Ashtons eyes narrowed "Wait Elijah your food" I say standing up and going towards him, but he just turns around and faces me "I will grab a sandwich I promise but I just need to rest" I look up at him and nod before he smiles and walks away. 

After a while food came and thank God it wasn't nothing fancier then burger and chips which by the way I eaten all of it, Ashton however hardly touched any. "Are you not eating?" I ask him slumped down in the chair Elijah was in, a blissfulness of being food drunk. "I am not hungry for food" He answers his eyes never leaving mine "Well there are plenty of women round here that will meet your needs" I answer remembering them all as I came in. He doesn't answer me instead he stands up and walks towards me leaning down, a hand on either side of the arms of the leather black seat his hair dropping down his face making him look even more sexy "I only have eyes for one woman" He says but before I could answer he continues "That kiss back in the forest, it wasn't to bring out your power it's because you want me as much as I want you" He says his eyes connecting with mine glowing that power that had me shaking "No it was only because I needed to save Elijah "Liar" He snaps slamming his hand to the side of my face causing me to jump "You feel the connection" he whispers stroking the side of my cheek with his finger, I could feel the heat whenever he touched me and it made it impossible to resist "I am sorry Ashton I am not giving you my power. There are plenty of women here from what I seen that wants to go to bed with you choose one of them" I say pushing his hand and him out the way. I stand up and begin to walk away but what he says next has me rooted to the spot "I never been with a woman not even them nymphs" He is a.... he is a... Wait what, that man who is not just handsome but looking like a god has never had sex. Wait did he say nymph "Nymph?" was all could say I was pretty damn sure he was a complete hound dog "Yes they are nymphs, they had to come here for protection when Demonae started turning evil. I couldn't just leave them. The only trouble is they are seductresses who love to seduce men especially ones with power like myself, but they are not evil they are similar to fairies they keep their homes thriving" I turned back round to face him who was now sitting on the sofa again, slowly I walked towards him and sat down wanting to know more. "Then why are they in nothing but skimpy lingerie?" I ask him, he looked at me a slight eyebrow raised "Because nymphs are usually naked, and I didn't want to see a lot of naked women in my home well apart from you Of Course" He smirks "It was the most they would put on" He says shrugging "You really never been with a woman?" I ask immediately regretting it, I put a hand to my mouth "I am so sorry that was rude I just mean you're just so... so well you and it's a bit of a shock" I say feeling my face flush red "Are you saying I am handsome?" He asks leaning in a bit close as I lean back "Well... no I mean well yes ok you know your handsome" I say stuttering my way through feeling a little bit hotter from before. He shocks me by leaning back again and laughing "Ember you are the only woman I ever wanted to be with. We are destined and when I first saw you, I knew it was true. So yes, I am a virgin, but I am hoping that will change soon" Before I could argue with him, he just stands up grabs my hands and leads me upstairs "No I am not having sex with you" I argue with him pulling my hand free. He just again laughs then says "I know but we need sleep. That room is yours" He points to the door in front of me "well good night" he says stepping next door to mine and walking in, Of Course he has the bedroom next to me. With a wipe of my sweaty face, I open the door and walk in the bedroom I seen in my dreams, from the huge four poster bed to the window with the moon overlooking the sky. Well damn wait what did he mean "When I first saw you" my eyes widen what the hell did he mean by that. 

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