Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up the next morning feeling more than refreshed, Thankfully Ashton didn't invade my dreams he just let me rest a dreamless night. I felt great and ready for anything, I still felt uncomfortable sleeping in the room I met Ashton in but in a way, felt safe and familiar. After a while I finally get out of bed and head for the bathroom on the other side of the room, my eyes widened when I saw the huge bathtub, I could feel the drawl escape my mouth. I turned the taps on and immediately the water turned hot, "Just what the doctor ordered" I whispered as I stripped off my clothes and stepped in the water. Oh my god it was amazing, I slowly put all my body in the bath as the water became fuller and fuller, it was more than therapeutic, it was bloody heaven. It must have been at least an hour later when I was out the bath and dressed, right now I was doing my hair, sticking it in a messy bun on top of my head while it was still wet, what's a girl meant to do when she doesn't have a hair dryer or straightener. A knock on my door made me jump "yes" I said waiting for the voice "Ember, do you have a moment?" Elijah asked, that surprised me I really thought it was Ashton, I'm not sure if i disappointed or relived. "OfCourse" I said heading to the door opening it. As usual Elijah was handsome as ever, wearing a tight grey jumper with a pair of skinny black jeans and trainers. I swear where does he get all these clothes from. He smiled and walked in my room sitting right on the end of the bed. His always made himself comfortable in my company he knew me to well enough to be shy. I shut the door and sat next to him, turning my body so I was facing him "So what's up?" I ask, straight away I saw him fidget with his hands which meant he didn't know how to bring the topic up. I place my hand on his knee smiling up into his beautiful golden eyes "You know you can talk to me" at first, he just stared at me until he bought his hand to my cheek "You are so beautiful" he says with such affection. My heart raced, what the hell. I had no idea what he was playing at, but it didn't feel right. I loved Elijah he was like a brother to me, and I mean a very close brother who meant so much to me but thinking him in any other way made no sense. All I could do was laugh, "Stop kidding around" He didn't laugh nor smile, his eyes were serious, and his mouth was straight not even a curve of a smile. I have no idea what was going on, but this was not Elijah "I'm not joking. I am in love with you, I always have been Ember since we were young. You're the only woman I ever wanted. Only person I think about. You mean everything to me" I couldn't say he was lying he said it all with such feeling that I felt the tears bursting to come out. I was speechless, nothing would come out not even a cough, I didn't know what to say, didn't know what to do, I just stared at him with my mouth slightly open and my eyes as big as saucers. He smiled slightly still holding my cheek, then slowly he bent his lips to mine, at first, he kissed me slowly causing me to shriek in shock, I tried to push him back, but it didn't work, I tried to say his name to stop him from kissing me. Yes, I really did love Elijah but not like that, in a way it felt wrong like I was kissing a brother, I turned my face but again it didn't stop him he just held me in place. What did stop him was my bedroom door flying off the hinges causing splinters of wood to cascade over the floor. Ashton was standing there his eyes burning fire "Elijah" He hissed his hands glowing red. Elijah just looked at him, no emotion showing across his face, He just grabbed my arms putting me on his laps, I tried to escape but his arms was tight around my waist "there's something wrong with him" I say making Ashton look at me but not in the same heated way instead they were full of jealousy possessiveness, "I am full of love" Elijah whispers putting his nose against my skin inhaling deeply. FUCKING GROSS, "What the hell is going on?" I shout causing Ashton to laugh. I am shooting him the evillest of glares "What's so funny?" I ask trying again to escape from Elijah grip. "I think I know what" But instead of telling me he just walks back out the room while Elijah sprinkles sweet kisses along my jaw. Thats just great. 

A few hours later Elijah is sitting across from me his eyes to the ground, avoiding me as much as possible, it seemed to be one of the nymphs that caused Elijah to be a horny little lover boy, thankfully Ashton knew which one was responsible and forced her to reverse the "love spell" Or whatever it was on him. Only problem is Elijah remembered everything he did causing him to feel beyond embarrassed and majorly guilty. "I am so sorry Ember" He said for the hundredth time "It's not your fault, that nymph is to blame" I say for again the hundredth time. It seemed that she tried so hard to seduce him that backfired, and he ended up coming to me, whether that because we had a strong bond or I was the closest but according to her, Elijah should have gone to her room not mine but either way she made him feel like this. I have a good mind to track her down and give her a good shouting at. Ashton however did not forgive Elijah so easily as soon as he came out his trance, he punched him right in the nose telling him the usual, I was his and no other man can touch me, I then reminded him I was not his and if I wanted to kiss someone I could. I left out the bit that I didn't see Elijah that way, but he can stew for a bit. Elijah looked up looking like a lost puppy "Elijah its ok honestly. I know you don't see me that way" He didn't respond instead he pursed his lips and looked back down. The poor guy must feel horrible being hypnotised by a seductress which what I am calling them, dirty little nymphs. Ashton just smirked "Well anyway never mind all that it's time for us to go" He stands up heading to the front doors "Where are we going?" I ask following him out with Elijah behind "Over the lake" He says looking back giving me a hundred-watt smile, why did he have to be so goddamn handsome "I think we need a distraction. Be ready" he says leaving me feeling worried and excited. 

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