Chapter Twenty One

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Somewhere else in the castle of crystals. 

I hated leaving Ember alone especially with two other men, it got my blood boiling, she belonged to me no one else. Me being alone with Amanda also made me angry, didn't care she was naked, didn't care that she was apparently the most beautiful seductress in the whole of Demonae she was a slut and as hard as she tried over the years she never had me and that made her even more determined. We walked further down the hall when I heard Ember shout "Elijah" I stopped walking and looked at Amanda "What are you planning to do with Elijah and Ember?" I ask Amanda who just smiles at me "I made it pretty clear last time we saw each other that I would make you my slave" I see her hand glow pink her usual green eyes becoming bright pink from her power "I knew it. This is a trap" I feel my own power come to the surface but before I could do anything I feel a sharp pain hit me at the back of the head knocking me to the floor "Oh my gorgeous Ashton, you think I was going to fight you oh no no no" I feel myself being dragged along the floor to a clear blue room before feeling metal cuffs attached to my wrists that stopped my power from being used. I suddenly get hoisted up in the air. I tried using every strength in me to break the chains but nothing worked, whoever hit me over the head was strong, strong enough that I still felt the impact that was making it hard to see straight "Your fucking dead" I spit out lifting my head up to see Amanda putting on a light silky pink robe that covered her naked body. She slowly walked over to me holding a knife "Oh Ashton you don't mean that" She put the flat side of the knife against my cheek, I could feel the cold metal against my skin but it didn't scare me I already knew Amanda didn't want me dead she just wanted my powers and me. Slowly the knife went down to my neck "So Ashton who is that girl?" a small smile entered my lips "You have always been the jealous type haven't you Amanda especially when a more beautiful woman comes in the picture" She snaps her face up to me and the fire in her eyes is nothing to take lightly. A psychotic smile hit her lips before slicing the t-shirt off my body showing my bare chest "You didn't answer my question Ashton. Lets play a game every time you avoid my question I drain some of your power and you know what happens when I use my power it becomes very painful" I swallowed the lump that was in my throat but the thing Amanda didn't know is that I would endure every bit of pain she threw me especially for Chloe. 

I not even sure how long time had passed, my head was dipped forward, sweat poured from my skin as Amandas hand was on my chest where my heart beats "Who is the girl?" from the way she spat the question you could tell her patience was slowly decreasing and anger was fuelling her "I told you she's my special friend" Just to piss her off more I forced my head up and winked at her "If you know what I mean" I also added with a sly smile, she scowled at me and again her hand went bright pink and my chest burned in excruciating pain. I never gave her the satisfaction of me screaming instead I held it in and just took everything. Again she stopped and my head fell forward my hair covering my eyes, I was to weak to do anything as powerful as I was Amandas power was dangerous, she drained power, drained your life force and even I could not do anything about it but the only problem with her powers was she had to touch you to use it apart from her ice power which she never used because she could never handle it which is why she's got Jake. I could hear Amanda stomping around and then I heard her stop "Just fucking tell me Ashton. I don't want to kill you, your body, your face its to perfect to waste but your making me mad and I don't like being mad" She stopped in front me and lifted my head up so my eyes met hers "Who is the girl?" She asks again but before I could tell her to go fuck her self another voice comes out of no where "She is the girl who is about to kick your ass" Ember voice rang from the door, I lifted my head up and was met with the most beautiful scene in my life. Ember was standing there her black light illuminating her and what was even more incredible her eyes turned into a dark blue colour that swirled with black, she unlocked more of her power or right now she did. I could hear a battle outside the room and from experience I knew it was Elijah Electric blast. He must of been fighting Jake, good luck kid his a beast. Ember walked into the room as Amanda walked backwards "Are you okay?" She asks me as her hand touched my cheek "Yes" I say not being able to even speak and not because I was being drained of my life force but because right now this powerful, beautiful, incredible creature next to me was stealing my heart. We both looked up when we heard Amanda laugh "Oh this is incredible I know exactly who you are now Ember Lavisia. Your the one destined to be with Ashton, the prophecy where both of your powers combined will make you all powerful" she stepped closer to where we was and touches Ember on the cheek "but guess what sweetheart your not as powerful as me" her hand suddenly becomes pink and Ember collapses to the floor screaming "No don't fucking touch her" I was screaming for my power to come alive but nothing was happening. Fuck why did I have to be restrained I need to get free but in the middle of my breakdown, Amanda gets thrown to the other side of the room hitting the wall hard. I stop struggling and look down at Ember who's black light was now so bright that I couldn't speak, she lifts her head up and my god she looked incredible her eyes was fully black  even darker then my own, she unlocked her full power now and it was nothing but perfection. I looked up and saw Amanda standing back on her feet, her own pink light sparkling, her eyes turned a dark pink, so dark that it almost looked red "You will regret that bitch" She spits lifting her hand up "But I must admit your power is incredible I guess I know who I will be draining power from" She flicks her hand and shoots a spray of ice at Ember who lifts her hand up where fire shoots from. My eyes go wide, that was my power, we truly was meant to be together but from the way Ember was looking it seemed she didn't know what she was doing, she was in a trance, her power was taking over, "Ember" I call out but she didn't even acknowledge me instead I see Amanda drop to her knees as Ember walked closer her fire melting the ice. Amanda was breathing heavily, completely defeated if it was me I would of ended her quickly but instead Ember lifts her hand up causing Amanda to start floating in the air "No one hurts my friends" Ember says her voice echoing in the crystal room, Amanda starts to scream as Ember power pulls her arms apart from her body before Ember flicks her head to the side and I hear Amandas neck break and her body slumps to the floor. 

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