Chapter Twelve

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"What do you mean your going to help" Elijah snarls keeping the blue light glowing over his hand. Ashton just smiled his eyes focused on me "I am not gonna let my dark angel get killed, and I am not letting her life be trusted with a little pup like you" Ashton says turning only slightly to look at Elijah, his eyes were full of nothing but darkness but inside me it felt more. He turns back to me where his eyes changed once again, an intensity in them that only glowed when his sights were on me. "I am more then capable of protecting Ember" Elijah says his hand glowing even more fierce, sparks of lightening emitting from his hand. Ashton didn't say anything instead he turned back to Elijah, that's when my heart sunk, all of sudden his face paled, Ashtons eyes swimming with red as Elijah collapsed to his knees struggling to take a breath his hands holding his throat as he choked to breathe "No" I screamed crouching down to Elijah a firm hand on his back "Ashton stop" I shout, a few seconds later Elijah face begins to gain colour his breathing rapid as he looks up at Ashton. "Like I said you not man enough to protect my princess" Ashton walks up to us and bends down grabbing Elijah by the scruff of his t-shirt pulling him close "I am staying and if you do anything to stop me not even Ember can save your life, understand" He no longer looked human, he no longer looked like the gorgeous devil I seen in my dreams. He was terrifying, even his voice changed, a voice that sends shivers right to your bones. Elijah just looked at him dead in the eye without saying a word, most likely because it was hard to breathe never mind speak "No one will stop me being with Ember, she is mine and mine alone. I will not let anyone have her" He growled, my eyes grew wide as he spoke with such venom "Then we don't have a choice but we need to go" I say quietly not wanting to be the cause of Elijah death. He let go of Elijah T-shirt causing him to fall on the ground, "Where are we going then Elijah?" I ask as he stands up still trying to get his breathing back. Everything I seen today shown me how powerful Ashton was so it made me think how more powerful can someone be if I was the cause of his greatest power. I have heard time and time again that Ashton only wanted me for my powers but was it really true, well from the looks of it he thought it was or maybe just maybe he just wanted me. Finally Elijah spoke but it was quiet and it was strained seeping with hate "I have set up a safe place in those caves. There should not be anyone in there, and they should not be able to track us" He started walking and I quickly followed with Ashton right behind me.                                                                                                                                                    

A few hours later all three of us was sitting in the middle of this cold, empty cave. It was nothing but darkness apart from the fire that Elijah made showing dirty stone walls with pointed stalactites hanging from the ceilings. All I could smell was the stale air and the cooking of fish which Ashton caught from the sea. There was no sign of any wild animal but there was still a atmosphere of terror. I hated the unknown and who knows what was inside this unyielding darkness when the fire went out, "Em you don't need to worry nothing going to hurt you" Elijah says attempting to come closer before Ashton snarls at him "Don't think about it" Ashton spits at him. Thank god I decided that neither of them sit by me, it would of caused a blood bath.  I let a exhale rubbing my temple with my hands "You guys best stop this or neither one of you will be alive by the end of this" I say causing both men to look at me "That just sounds like foreplay to me" Ashton says with a side smirk on his face, I glower at him as Elijah glares, grabbing the spit with his fork and pulling off the fish putting it on a paper plate, I have no idea where he got passing it me. "Here eat this" he says, I shake my head "No you have it" I say but the glare he gives me tells me his not in the mood for an argument, I let out a sigh and quickly say my thanks before digging in. Wasn't the best meal I had but it did the trick of fulfilling my hunger. By the time darkness came all three of us have had our burnt fish and water before lying on the cold stone floor ready for sleep. I still didn't like the idea of sleeping in a cave or better yet next to Ashton but I really didn't have a choice while the clan was out for blood especially now I saw for myself so I just lied down with the only blanket Elijah packed on me with the two men either side of me. It was a wonder Ashton let Elijah next to me but I guess my safety was number one priority then his jealousy or possessiveness.                                                                                                              

It took me ages to finally drop off into slumber and to my surprise I was back in the garden with Ashton right next to me "You got to be fucking kidding me. You are right next to me in real life" I spit at him turning to face him "yes but I don't get to see you in such beauty in reality" His eyes traveling down my body, I follow his gaze to see a transparent all in one outfit and let me tell you every part of my body is on display and ready for the taking. My face quickly goes hot as I turn away from him "What the hell. You pervert?" I scream feeling every bit of embarrassment. I feel him behind  me his body pressed to mine as his hands trace down my arms, the sparks screaming on my skin "I wouldn't say pervert more like admirer" I could feel his warm breath against my neck causing me to hold back a moan. My god I just don't know what to do I am failing in resisting him, how do you fight such urges especially ones for a man that was near perfect, his hands snaked across my stomach pulling me closer as he whispered into my neck "I know you can feel it, the invisible string pulling us together. Fighting it is useless we was destined to be one before we was even born" he kisses my neck causing me to lean into him more "Nothing you do will stop destiny not the clan, not Elijah, not even your father" He says another kiss on my heated skin but this time it had no reaction. I pull away from him forgetting that I was more a less naked "I am not giving you any more power Ashton. None" I tell him mustering as much acid in my tone as I could. He smiles but it does not reach his eyes instead those are filled with nothing but need "Who said anything about power" He states walking towards me as I walk back "All I want Ember is your devotion and of course that body" as he continues to stalk his prey. Me. "Stop it" I say putting my hand up as I finally stop, my hands resting on his hard chest " Stop what?" He asks smirking at me with his head tilted like a confused puppy "You know what" I snap "Being some kind of creepy pervert" I tell him but his reaction is what shocks me the most, he laughs and this is the first time I hear him laugh and honestly it contagious because I laugh with him, for a few seconds we just stand there laughing and I have no idea why. This feels like we finally finding something but I have no idea what but maybe for now we can just stay like this and sort a compromise between myself, Ashton and Elijah.  We will fight the real enemy. The clan that is trying to kill me and then I will deal with Ashton and this fate bullshit. 




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