Chapter Twenty

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We followed Amanda in the crystal castle and as soon as I stepped onto the glass floor my eyes was looking everywhere, it was the most spectacular building I have seen, everything was made out of crystal from the inside walls to the grand staircase. Even Elijah couldn't seem to stop looking around, everything was pink apart from the white glass flooring, there was crystal statues in every corner of the building of what I was guessing is a naked Amanda in different poses some of them too mature to speak of  but my most favourite part of the whole foundation was the gigantic crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling sparkling pink in every direction. Ashton wasn't surprised he just stood there my hand still in his as he stared her down "If you don't mind Amanda could we please now have a new change of clothing, because of your annoying servant..." As Ashton said this Jake growled in response but it didn't stop Ashton from speaking. He is probably absolutely gorgeous but he could really be an arrogant jerk "Got us all soaked" Amanda smiled and nodded her head, "Of course follow me Ashton" she said in the most lewd voice I ever heard I swear something going on between them. Even though Ashton said he never been with a woman I was not entirely convinced it was true I mean just look at him surely every woman here would want him in her bed and so far every woman I have seen from the nymphs to Amanda was gorgeous like compared to me they are goddesses, not that I was jealous or anything. Ashton smiled and walked towards her pulling me behind him but he didn't get far before Elijah interfered pulling me back, It seemed I was the rope in a tug of war "She's not going with you Ashton" Elijah spat pulling me back to him "Little pup I am warning you stay out of this" Ashton replied his eyes swimming with red "She's a woman she needs her privacy to get..." Before Elijah or even me who was very close to slapping them both across the face, could say anything else a small laughter came in front from Amanda "Oh my looks like this female has everyone on edge hmm" She walked towards us where both men dropped my arms "Don't worry hunny Jake will show you where you and Elijah can get changed" A low rumble came from Ashton who's hands that was now fisted was slowly starting to grow red. Amanda again giggled before walking towards Ashton stroking his chest which held a soaked t-shirt underneath, and by the way I don't even know how I not noticed was showing every bit of muscles "Oh don't worry my handsome friend they wont be in the same room but let me show you where you can changed" her hand moved from his chest to his arm trying to pull him away but Ashton didn't move "I am not going anywhere without my dark princess" He slowly said through clenched teeth. So far I was used to Ashton being this arrogant, smart ass and very much flirty devil but I never saw him so tense which made my heart ache "We will be fine but Ashton I am freezing just go" I tell him giving him a small smile. He closed his eyes and I could see him breathing "What did I tell you?" he asks me but before I could answer his question he said "Lets go but this best not take long" he walked with Amanda through another wooden door leaving me, Jake and Elijah alone "So where do we go?" Elijah asks walking to my side "No where" Jake says before blowing a light pink powder into Elijah face knocking him out completely "Elijah" I scream before Jake blows the same strange pink powder in my face and before long I two went out into the darkness. 

My head was spinning, I was shivering in darkness because I could not seem to open my eyes "Ember" It was Elijah voice that was speaking to me in the black void "Just breathe" He said pulling me into his warmth, slowly I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. We was both locked in a cage, there was no bed, no toilet just an empty room behind large bars, well I never expected this in a beautiful pink princess crystal castle. It was dingy, cold and dark, the worst place I have ever been in and that includes that creepy ass forest that had a gigantic snake inside it. I slowly lift myself up onto my legs Elijah strong arms wrapped around me holding me tightly against him "Careful Em" His voice full of worry "I am ok" I say quietly "What the fucks going on?" I ask stumbling to the metal bars looking outside and again there was nothing but an empty dungeon it was horrible, a musty smell filling the air. I looked around for Jake or maybe even Amanda but no one was there "Ashton warned me not to leave him and I completely ignored him" I felt Elijah eyes burning the back of me but right then a deep hurt hit me in the chest "Oh my fucking god Ashton. His in trouble" I gasp turning away and looking Elijah deep in the eyes who just leaned against the wall "Who cares" He spits glaring at me "Elijah I know you hate Ashton but..."  "But what Em he fucking bought us here" He shouts at me pushing himself off the wall and walking towards me, he grabs me by the arms and looks me in the eyes "Ember listen to me, he only wants your powers. I am the one who wants to protect you because..." He stopped speaking and just looked at me "Because what, because we are friends. Well as much as you hate it Elijah Ashton is my friend too and to be honest with you I don't think he wants my powers. If you have not noticed he is already more powerful then anything. He to has protected me Elijah so please help me rescue him" I plead with him so hard where my eyes started filling up with unwanted tears. For along while he didn't say anything and then he exhaled harshly "Fine" He lets go of my arms and walks to the bars "I already tried to get through here but it didn't work. I also tried getting a portal going but I think the room been enchanted to stop anyone from using portals" I didn't say anything instead I looked around the room and came up with nothing until I see something that caught my eyes. I point to the keys hanging on the opposite wall "There" Elijah shakes his head "I don't have that sort of power" He says grabbing the bars next to me "No but I do" I say remembering every time that I pushed Ashton and Elijah across the room. Only trouble I don't know how to use my powers but I don't say that "Ember do you think you can do it" I nod my head a plan entering my head "I do but you need to hit me" I tell him causing him to back away from me shaking his head "No fucking way I am not going to hurt you" I sigh and walk towards him trapping him against the wall "Please its the only way" I beg him "No" Slowly my anger was bubbling " Fucking hit me" I scream at him "Elijah do you want to see me dead" He doesn't say anything he just looks at me with that defeated look. I close my eyes and breathe in a few breaths "Look I need to get angry its the only way my powers comes out" his face becomes contorted before he breathes in and lifts his hand a tear falling down his cheek "Fine but just know this is going to kill me" before I could thank him he slaps me across the cheek causing me to fall on the floor but nothing happened except for my whole cheek to sting in pain "It didn't work" I complain standing back up "I am so sorry Ember I didn't want to even hit you" Elijah grabs me and turns my head staring at where my cheek stings "I swear to god that was  a stupid Idea. Ashton probably just in Amandas bed playing in the sheets" As soon as Elijah said it my whole boiled in anger, everything inside me electrified causing me to stand up and feeling the hot air around my skin to burn. I felt my power burst out of me as the black light surrounded me. Elijah backs off in a warily but with a small smile on his lips that didn't reach his eyes. I take a step to the jail bars and lift my hand up and gesture for the key that came flying towards me that I grab quickly. Ashton just wait for me. 

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