Chapter Fourteen

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Ashtons arms was still strongly wrapped around me when we landed in the most beautiful place I ever seen. A open field with a sparkling lake just ahead of us, the sun was blazing down on it showing clear mouth watering water that I desperately needed. I couldn't put my finger on it but where ever we was something seemed different, I felt different, like everything inside my soul screamed this was home. "Where are we?" I finally asked as Elijah appeared falling on the ground, I quickly pulled out of Ashtons arms helping him up. Elijah looked up his mouth dropping "How did you do that?" he asked quickly turning to Ashton. I was beyond confused again they knew something "What the hell is going on?" I tried again becoming irritated "This is Demonae. Its where all magic lies, only witches and warlocks can come here no normal man or woman would be able to stand here let alone find it" He says slowly removing his clothing, I quickly whip round "What are you doing?" I stutter Elijah just glaring at Ashton "I am wondering the same" I cant see Asthon but I know he is grinning "What you two not feel dirty sleeping in a cave? I am going in that lake and bathing, this place is full of magic and over there is certain flowers that I can create some soap from or well something to clean your skin" He says making me want that water even more "I mean its not a bad idea" I say hearing a splash from the side of me. "Ember your going to be naked" Elijah says a hint of red glowing on his cheeks, "Well you know what am I going to do smell like a toilet for however long we are here. Just go in first and you and Ashton turn round so I can get undressed" I tell him really wanting that water. "Fine" He responds. I again turn away as I hear him quickly undress and another splash. I never been naked in front of a man before, I thought I would be beyond embarrassed and nervous but I think the me needing to become clean and refreshed has overtaken my sane part of my brain. I look at both men and shout "Turn around no peeking" I see a quick  smirk from Ashton but they both turn as I quickly undress and get in the water. I mean its not like they wouldn't see anything the water so clear you can see the bottom of the lake but to my surprise the water starts to heat up and bubbles appear. As I look up Ashtons eyes are swimming with red "Your causing the water to heat?" I ask feeling every tension in my body ease and my god it was amazing "Well princess no man but me can see you naked so pup best make sure his eyes are above shoulder level" He turns to Elijah that dangerous look resurfacing "As if I would. I am at least a gentleman" Elijah spits back looking even more embarrassed. "So what is this place exactly?" I ask trying to at least soften the tension and get some answers "Demonae was a powerful witch centuries ago when humans were killing off witches and some warlocks. It was getting out of control hundreds of witches were being killed including her sister. She had no choice but to run when they targeted her. Its was said that she had the power of the wind that whispered word to her that there was a place of powerful magic somewhere over the mountains. When she finally followed the wind and reached this place only the earth and the water was here, she made it her safe haven. Slowly she built sanctuaries for witches and warlocks to hide from the humans, sending word to every witch and warlock she could contact through her power of wind who she knew. Word spread and more came. Her magic slowly became more powerful because of the power that resided in this place connecting to hers. At the time she didn't know that she was the Goddess of this unknown world, her magic was destined for this place and with it she saved many lives. Her first child also gained the magic of this world and as each child of her line was born there child was connected until one warlock turned on one of the goddesses and killed her trying to end the magic and gain it himself but it didn't work she already gave birth to a child and that child was already made the Goddess, but that child disappeared and since this place has been without its goddess" I hung on every word he said. My heart ached how could someone be so evil "What happened to the child?" I asked, "No one knows she was hidden but the warlock still looks for her today" I looked down the heat of the water no longer becoming as relaxing as it once did. All I could think of was that poor woman who was killed for nothing but hunger it made my blood boil never mind the water. I did notice Elijah didn't say a word as Ashton spoke "Are you ok?" I ask him, he only nods but I know better then that but I don't bother to question it further. "That warlock is still out there waiting for her return so he can drain her power" Ashton says looking at me intently. "Its all just myth" Elijah finally says looking at Ashton both of them staring the other down. "Well it doesn't matter right now I just want to get clean" Ashton smiles to me swimming to the other side of the lake grabbing some strange pink flowers. He crushes them in his hand and slowly I see bubbles. I swim towards him Elijah right behind me "open your hand" He says and I do as I'm told as he rubs the bubbles onto my hand a huge smile comes onto my face as I begin to rub it in my hair.                                                                                                  

For a while Ashton melts these flowers as I wash my hair and my body, both men do the same and finally we are all clean. I stay in the water last as Ashton uses his power of heat to dry himself and Elijah while making crude jokes about uhm Elijah manhood "Who knew a puppy had such a organ" my face flushes as I hear them spitting at each other. "Ember your turn" Ashton voice echo's to me with a hint of desire "What" Me and Elijah shout "I don't think so devil" Elijah snaps "So you prefer Ember standing in the middle of this field naked and wet" He says. After a while I hear Elijah scoff "Fine but I am watching you" He snaps as I swim towards them both men now dressed "Its fine Ashton wont look will you?" I ask him, "Not like I haven't seen it before" He says causing Elijah face to flush with anger "What do you mean by that?" I quickly get up causing both men to stop talking there eyes widening. Elijah quickly turns around "Ember what the hell" He gasps "I am not staying in there all day while you two argue now hurry up" Ashton usual smirk comes back, he brings his hand up to my hair as warm air blows against my head and my god its amazing. I close my eyes and as the warm air caresses me from my hair down to bare skin, my god I try so hard not to moan. It doesn't take long for it to end to my dismay,  Jesus it was so much better then a spa. I quickly get dressed and put my hair in a bun sadly I have no brush so I had to finger my hair out of knots but hey at least I'm clean. Ashton and Elijah are leaning against a tree still quipping insults at each other when I get to them, "So what now?" I ask getting used to there bickering, "well to where we need to get to its through there" He points to a forest that for some reason gives me the shivers "Why cant we use the portal?" I ask not wanting to get anywhere near a forest "Because its full of magic that no one can portal into" Elijah answerers which surprises me I  didn't think he knew any thing about this place "Very good pup. His correct no one can teleport or portal into the sanctuary we have to travel by foot which will take at least a few days so we best get moving" He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the forest. Elijah doesn't say nothing but by his face he is not happy. And neither am I. 

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