Chapter Four

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Slowly my vision was coming back, my father face becoming more clear "Dad" I whispered, slowly getting myself up, feeling a tight restraint on my arms, I turned my head slowly and saw I was handcuffed to the bed in a basement. It was an empty room the walls with plain brick walls and nothing else. I felt my eyes welling up of tears as I looked at my father feeling nothing but coldness. "Its true he has found you" he told me, instead of the gentle voice he usually had with me, this time it was filled with coldness. "I don't understand" I said quietly "Ember I want you to know this is not your fault but you are dangerous and until we can find a way to break this power you will be here" He turned away from me and began to walk out "NO. You need to tell me what the hell is going on, I deserve to know why I am handcuffed to a bed in a basement" I shouted finally losing my patience. He bent his head down and sighed turning slowly and walking back to me sitting on the bed. "Ok but please remember you are my daughter" I sat up more and waited for him to start. "Your parents was a witch and a warlock, very powerful witches and warlocks" Even though what he said was completely stupid his voice stayed firm "Your kidding me. Why are you telling me a ridiculous story, tell me the truth" I demanded keeping my green gaze on his grey ones. He sighed then looked at me even more sternly "Have I ever lied to you Ember?" He asked, I was about to cry again but this time I pushed them back and shook my head. "Witches and warlocks are real Em, Me and Ava are both one" He said putting a hand on my knee and squeezing slightly in reassurance "You are one" He finally said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, me a witch how the hell was I witch I never did anything....Oh my god. "So all those times I burned stuff as a kid" Before I could finish he interrupted me "Yes that was your power. I have been keeping them hidden since you was a baby, once Ava turned fifteen she started helping me" it all made sense now everything he was saying. All those time I burnt the trees in the forest and my father telling me it was a accident, the time I set my doll house on fire, the time I set the kitchen on fire and my dad saying it was him. "Why was you keeping it a secret from me? I should of known you should of told me" he looked down and breathed in a breath before continuing "That was impossible Ember" I started feeling my anger rise, my blood was boiling. All these years they both was holding a secret from me that was about me "What the fu..." But before I could snap he held up his hands shutting me down completely. "Let me finish this is the most important part and the one you must hear" I closed my mouth but not before throwing him a dagger "You was born a really powerful witch. Your power was undeniable but the problem was that it was connected with another but he wasn't a warlock not a good one anyway. We call what he is a devil. A powerful dark warlock who only uses magic for there own needs, someone who was born from dark magic. All of our clan knew that when you grew older he would be after you. Wanting to combine your powers to become one and have you as his bride" A gasp escaped my mouth remembering those dark eyes, those handsome features, that dark energy that made me feel the worse things "The man in my dreams" I whispered. My father looked down where I finally saw the love that I seen all my life "Ashton found a way. The clan put a powerful spell on you to hide your powers, to keep him from finding you but we knew he would find a way. Which is why I took you in to keep you safe but that will now be over" I was certain I heard a quiver in his voice. "Dad what do you mean that will be over" He looked away from me his voice barely a whisper "The clan knows Ashton found a way now they want me to kill you" I couldn't believe it. Everything inside me became nothing but pain "I refused" He said "And so did Ava. Now the clan has sent someone else which is why you locked down here, No one going to hurt you. I know your not evil and I know me and Ava can find a way to remove this power so Ashton has nothing" Now I was full on crying, tears swam down my cheeks as the pain my chest swelled, I swear I cried so much the past few days that now I was a emotional roller-coaster "what did you think I would kill my only daughter" That broke me even more. A few Minutes passed mainly me breathing to get my composure back, everything changed in less then forty eight hours and my brain was struggling to process everything. "So what do I do dad? He comes in my dreams there's got to be a way to stop... oh my god dad he said he was close to finding me" He stood up and walked to the door not answering me straight away but before he went through he said "We cant do anything to stop him yet but you need to keep resisting. His bad Ember don't believe anything he tells you" He said before leaving me alone.

The day went by with me stuck in this room, Ava came in a few times to keep me company bringing me food and even releasing me from my handcuffs as long as I promised not to run off which of course I wouldn't now I knew the truth. Someone was out there wanting to kill me because of some magic connection shit. Well hell to them. This isn't my fault I didn't ask for it or even want it. To top it all off I was getting tired and I knew as soon as I fell to sleep he would be there. Ashton a name fitting for that man who made me feel things. Now I know why, it wasn't anything to do with sexual attraction or even love it was all about power that he wanted, no that he needed to become even more evil then he probably already was, well Mr tall, dark and handsome your not having it. "Ember?" Ava voice rang from the other side of my new dark and gloomy room. "Yes Ava" I answered not being in the best mood at the moment. "I know this sucks for you but I just wanted to know...Are you gonna be ok?" She didn't move I could just make out her figure from the door way. "You mean can I resist" I said back watching her squirm "Yes, I don't want to lose you Em" She answered her voice so gentle that it reminded me why we was friends. She had always been there, no I know she didn't have a choice but even so I loved her. "I will be fine he wont stand a chance" I answered a small smile finally showing on my face. She returned back with a even bigger smile that didn't reach her sad eyes. "Well I guess I need to face the devil himself huh" I said slowly lying down and getting ready for sleep. "Ok, just to let you know I put a camera in the room encase anything happens" She told me. It didn't bother me I knew they would it kind of made sense to keep an eye on me. "Fine, wish me luck" I said as I closed my eyes and waited for the nightmare to start.

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