Chapter Thirty One

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It had been over twelve hours and now me and pup were looking up a mould of a hill, the castle in front of us tall and majestic just like how I remembered it. With mine and Elijah portals it wasn't hard to get here but we could only go so far as I was no longer a part of the clan and Elijah walking out was classed as also no longer being in the clan we was both outcasts. The only problem was how we were going to get in "Any ideas?" I ask looking up my hands fisted at my side, they had my queen and I needed her next to me especially now she was finally warming to me and letting her heart lead her to me. Elijah didn't speak instead his hand was on his mouth while I watched as the cogs in his brain was going round "Fuck this we just blast our way in" I went to walk up the mould until Elijah hand went on my shoulder "It wont work, that castle is run from the leaders power it indestructible" I span round fast anger filling my core once again "Ember in there she's in danger we cant just stand there and let them hurt her" I shout feeling my power glow round me "I understand Ashton but we need to be smart about this" He says walking past me and looking up to the castle "Only a clan member can get in and so far I am nothing but a traitor" then as soon as he says that he stops "Wait I have an idea but you must trust me" He looks back at me smiling a bit to wide then I liked, "What this plan?" I really wished I never asked. 

My face was bruised, my lips was split, two black eyes was glowing on my face and my hands was in blue chains that emitted lightening. That fucking puppy just wanted to beat me to a pulp to make himself feel better but this was the only way to get to Ember and in all honesty I couldn't think of a better way then to watch that castle burn, "I have Ashton" Elijah was shouting to the glowing gate but it still didn't open "Its not working" I whisper, it had been at least an hour since I was on my knees bending down like I had been beat and still no one came. I was about to give up hope until the gate opened but not for us to walkthrough but for someone to come out to us, "Elijah your brave to come here but that's what I like about you" Sasha wearing a red hood stood in front of us her eyes on only the pup "I came back to the clan but I know I could not return empty handed. I brought Ashton with me" He says my head still pointing down my hair over my eyes, "You think we trust this is not a ploy. Come on baby we know this is a trap" She walks closer putting a hand on his chest "But I convinced them to let me talk to you Elijah" I couldn't see anything else but by how I seen her interact I knew it must be something Elijah was uncomfortable with, pft stupid puppy use it your advantage. Elijah grabs my hair pulling my head back "You think he would let me do this to him on purpose. I want to be where Ember is and if the clan does not want to hurt her then I was wrong" Sasha takes a step back and kneels down to me putting a hand on my face and looking at every horrible injury on my face, she whistles in a impressed way then looks up back at Elijah "How did you do this to him? He is more powerful then you" She says her eyes glowing in suspicion "He trusted me it was easy to do" Elijah spits pulling harder on my hair causing me to grunt "You will die puppy you watch" I choke out in a weak pathetic voice. My acting pretty good because Sasha smirks, stands up and claps her hands "Oh Elijah clan leader will be proud" Elijah doesn't say anything he just pulls me up off the ground by my shirt and then walks round grabbing the chains between hands, "So what should I do with him?" He asks. Sasha smiles then walks back through the gate "This way Elijah" She walks further in the castle while Elijah walks towards the gate then stops "This isn't going to kill me?" He asks his eyebrow arched "No Elijah I made sure" He breathes out then takes a step forwards with me in front. 

As soon as me and Elijah stepped through we both held our breath but we didn't burn, didn't collapse on the floor and didn't die, Sasha must of been speaking the truth "Don't say a word" Elijah whispers in my ear as we followed her towards the big oak doors. She led us through the entry way lit only by torches then turned. Not sure how long we was walking but she stopped when we reached some stairs that led down into darkness "Stick him in the cells, they are power proofed so he wont be able to escape. Leader will want to speak to him" Sasha says pointing down the stairs. Elijah nods then leads me down saying nothing as we walked. Once we reach the bottom he opens up a metal door then into a chamber full of metals cells but he walked past them. Here was me thinking I was going to be locked up with all the other innocents down here, every cell was full with another witch or warlock that rebelled against the clan and by the looks of it they wasn't treated well for it. All of them was just skin and bones covered in dirt, there hair dishevelled and matted, some lying on the floor and with my guess dead. We walked right at the bottom of the long chamber until we stop outside a huge red metal door, he opens it up and I walk in to a empty room with nothing in it but a small window. It was just an empty room covered in stone. Elijah steps in the room and comes over to me punching me in the jaw landing me on the floor, he bends down and whisper quickly "I will find Ember then get you out but just behave" I nod my head before removing his lightening chains then walked back out shutting the door behind him. As much as I hated the pup I did at least trust him but only because he too loved Ember but that just made me hate him more. 

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