Chapter Thirty Two

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For over a week I had been trapped in my bedroom, I had only seen my father once and slowly I was getting anxious. My heart pained for Ashton, I was starting to miss his dark eyes, that dark tousled hair of his even his cocky smirk. I laid on my bed staring into space thinking about all the adventures I have had until now, who knew it would be my own father that rules this kingdom but that's the part that was confusing me most. How did my father become the ruler? Ashton told me there was a goddess that was killed, that her daughter or son was here somewhere being hunted by a witch or warlock to steal there power. I mean I trust my father it was not him he was not evil at all. I mean he bought me up, fed me clothed me, put a happy roof over my head and made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. He was there for me when my parents died there's not way it was him. My mind was going round like a rollercoaster and it made me feel confused, hurt and nothing but yearning for the man that turned it all around "Ember" Ava comes bursting through the door her cheeks stained with dried tears as she runs into my arms and holds me tightly. I must admit I did return the loving gesture I was still mad at her for keeping this secret for so long but after a I hear a little sob I couldn't stop myself from wrapping my arms around her neck "I am okay" I tell her pushing her back slightly to look into her lovely blue eyes. She looked different instead of the happy, smiley friend that was always well groomed instead I was looking at a different person her usual brown hair that flowed down her back was now tied up in a messy bun, her usual skirts and crop tops was now replaced with a light blue hoody and jeans, she was a whole new person "I was so worried Ashton would hurt you but there's no need to worry. His locked away now" I push her off folding my arms against my chest  "Ember what's wrong?" She asks me worry slapped across her face "Ashton locked up?" My heart sank "He is here?" I ask her she just nods and cocks up an eye brow "Elijah bought him here as a way to show he did not turn on the clan. Ember this is good news, Ashtons evil he tried to steal your powers" That's sparked my fury and soon I was glowing my black light "He is not fucking evil. Your all wrong He has  done nothing but protect me from this clan. Nothing but save my life. Its you lot that tried to kill me and its Ashton who saved me" I admit I screamed it slamming my hands on the bed, venom seeping in every word I spat as Ava eyes grew wide. I stand up and start to pace breathing in big breaths as I thought of every plan to get him out. I started tapping a finger on my mouth as different plans appeared in my head. I cant break him out there to many people here to stop us, I could talk to father tell him the truth but he would not listen to me, maybe I can sneak him out but how "How do I rescue him?" I whisper to myself out loud  "Are you crazy Ember his evil his trying to steal your power" Now Ava stood up gripping my arms "His got you under some sort of spell" She continues but I just give her my biggest glare "Ashton the only one that's told me the truth. The only one that protected me none of you have not even father" I spit at her shaking myself our of her arms "Your turning" She whispers to me a tear falling down her cheek "The problem Ava is you have been listening to the lies. Something going on here and I don't think its Ashton that's the evil one" I turn my back and walk away opening my bedroom door that Ava left open and descended down the stairs her footsteps clicking behind me. "You can't leave your room Ember your not allowed" She shouts from behind me but I ignore her and continue. 

Not going to lie I thought I would have to battle with a shit ton of guards to get outside the jail cells but no one was around the whole castle was empty apart from Ava who gripping my arm trying to pull me back and Elijah who was standing guard outside the jails. I guess he really was with the clan all along. "Let me through Elijah" I tell him my whole body glowing now, my anger becoming more and more deadly "Ember please go back to your room" He tells me holding his own glow "I don't want to hurt you Elijah let me see him" I spit the ache in heart from the betrayal of my oldest friend "Listen Ember you don't understand what's going on. Just please leave" He points a hand to Ava "And take her with you" He is looking at me deeply maybe guilt in his eyes or something else but right now all I wanted was to see Ashton "Come on Ember please" Ava begged again trying to pull my arm "Elijah if you don't let me see him I will send you flying  through that door and back to that horrible forest we was in. Now...Let...Me...In" I demand the last three worse spoken loud and firm. He rubs his fore head and then breathes out "Fine but only for two minutes" He turns away but not before Ava runs up to him "Are you crazy you cant let her see that devil" She spits but Elijah just glances at her "Go with her maybe your eyes will be opened up then" He opens the door and waves me in. Quickly I run through grabbing Ava by the hand and pulling her with me. It was not hard to find Ashton cell it was the biggest locked up cell I have ever seen, big iron door covered in magic with only a few bars but quickly my heart pounded as I got closer and peered in. There he was sitting on the stone floor playing with a penny like he was just chilling in his bedroom, he really was something "Ashton" I gasp as he looks up his eyes as black as I remember swimming in a little red when he sees me "What the fuck are you doing here princess?" He asks quickly standing up and running to the door grabbing my hand through the bars "I cant let you stay in here. The clans wrong" I tell him my voice cracking when I see his lips been busted and his face covered in bruises "What happened to your face?" I ask him holding his hand tighter "Elijah did the busted lip but you know" He gives me a wink and suddenly I saw what was going on. Him and Elijah had a plan maybe I shouldn't of judged him harshly. Okay that's twice I distrusted Elijah maybe I should stop that "What about the rest?" I ask him putting my hand through the bars stroking the side of his cheek where a shiny bruise appeared "Well that was your dad" He says putting his hand over mine "Get out of here Ember I promise you will see me soon" he says before looking over my shoulder at a open mouthed Ava "You must be Ava I am glad to see your alright" He says showing her that handsome smile, well maybe I didn't like it to much. Ava didn't say anything she just stood there "Ava his not evil please trust me" I walk up to her and grab her hands leaving Ashton standing behind the bars "I.I but the clan my family they would not lie" I grip Ava's shoulder and look into her eyes "They might not be but there wrong about Ashton his trying to save Demonae not destroy it" Ashton then laughs causing both me and Ava to turn to him. "Oh my dark princess your wrong" I stare at him in the eyes that was now fully red utterly confused. 

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