Chapter Twenty Five

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Its strange how one person can cause so much tension, walking down the village streets with three men behind me all of them not saying a word but they didn't need to I already knew Ashton hated both Elijah and Vincent, Elijah hated Ashton and Vincent didn't seem to care either way.  The only thing keeping everything civil right now was me who both Elijah and Ashton wanted to protect and maybe Vincent who by the way had another punch off Ashton when he tried holding my hand coming out the house so he not just had a split lip but also a nice bruise on the side of his face. So far we didn't see anything since Vincent saved me from the skeleton creature but we was all on edge anyways, "How far Ashton?" I ask looking behind me to where he stood on the left of Elijah, it seemed Elijah was the middle man in stopping Ashton from killing Vincent. He did not like the idea of Vincent joining us and he made that clear with his outburst when Elijah turned up, I would tell you what he said but the amount of colourful language he used, I don't feel comfortable enough to repeat. He walks a bit quicker so his by my side and puts his hand through mine but for some reason it didn't feel right, I don't know why because I held his hand plenty of times but now it just made me feel uneasy. I take my hand out of his causing him to bite his lip probably holding his anger in " so how far?" I ask again really wanting an answer "not far" he answers but a little more stiff then usual. We walked a bit further revealing more buildings but the further we went the more creepy the village looked, a lot of houses looked even more derelict with the front of buildings smashed in, blood was found splattered on walls, little market places was smashed in, but the worst was the strange atmosphere that crowded around us. I was filled with dread and that was never a good sign when it came to travelling in Demonae, "Keep your eyes open somethings not right here" Elijah said walking next to me with Vincent by his side  "I can also feel it" Ashton says grabbing my hand again but this time I didn't shake him off, "stay close to me Ember" he looks down at me with those dark eyes but then quickly looks straight again walking slowly down the street his hand in mine. Vincent who until now didn't speak started to walk ahead "I feel something is ahead of us" he says stopping just a few steps "wait" he snaps pulling out his hand in a stop gesture "why? what's going..." before I could finish I see a few feet ahead of us two figures in the distance. 

"I told you Sasha that if I saw you again you would die" Elijah walks in front his hands glowing blue but Sasha just removes her green hood and smiles, unlike last time Sasha looked even more like she was ready to kill me, she had on a light green leather outfit but also the hoodie that was covering her face. She also was not alone, next to her was a tall lean man, I couldn't see his face but the way he just stood there silently caused shivers down my back, "Oh Elijah you know I couldn't just leave. Ember is wanted by the clan" She strides up the street the man next to her also walking slowly. Ashton pushed me behind him and was looking directly at the man in front "Paul" he says, I gasp and grab onto Ashton black jumper, my hands was shaking, I was terrified, yes I had a lot of power but I was still learning to use it, it was still hidden away and even so it was not enough to stop Paul from murdering me. Elijah already told me about this assassin, about how strong he was and that he was sent to kill me, "Ashton" Paul replies his voice quiet but also terrifying, it had a natural venom to it that cut you deep "You cannot kill her" Ashton spits his body glowing that red I have now gotten used to "I don't want to kill her" Paul says back removing his hood. He didn't look like how I imagined, I was thinking a rough looking man covered in scars and maybe a beard but the man Infront of me standing next to Sasha was looking more like a father figure. His hair was brown and messy but had streaks of grey, his eyes was sullen but held a light blue to it, he looked like any middle aged man but for some reason he also looked dangerous just by the way he stood there staring down Ashton with a certain hatred in his eyes. Sasha starts to smile which didn't reach her eyes "Oh no no the leader of the clan has a different idea for the woman whose going to make him powerful" Paul takes a step forward "Ashton since we last fought I have been practicing my magic, it is now more powerful then yours could ever be" He states not looking at anyone but Ashton. Out of no where Ashton starts to laugh "You got to be kidding me Paul. We both come from the same clan and both have similar powers but you could never beat me" a smirk appears on Ashton lips that gets Paul mad, he pull off his hoody showing a white vest underneath "I am not here for you" he shouts then he holds out his hand "Ember Lavisia please come with me" He says as all three boys start to glow Vincent pulling out his sword "I will not I am not as powerful as you all think I am" I shout to him feeling myself start to panic "then I will take you by force" with that Paul starts to glow red which had my eyes widening I thought only Ashton glowed red but no Paul was also the same except he had a much lighter red unlike Ashton dark. Before I knew it Paul shot out a fireball causing all four of us to jump out of the way me landing on top of Elijah "I'm sorry" I whimper as Elijah gently pulls me off of him "Hide" He whispers as he runs towards Sasha blasting out electric shots, "Oh Elijah you make me so sad" She mocks with a slight pout "your not taking Ember" He spits shooting another electric shot while she blocks it with a large brick wall that she pulled from the ground "when she's dead I will help you forget her" She tells him ripping off her hoody revealing the whole of the green leather outfit which by the way if she wasn't trying to kidnap me I would of asked where she got it from. I ran into one of the buildings ducking down and peeking out the window watching as Elijah and Sasha was now in a battle of electric and earth and by the looks of it both of them was pretty even. Ashton and Paul was in a different battle a more close up and personal battle, they was both whispering and face to face both glowing red. This was just not my day. 

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