Chapter Twenty Four

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Ashton stood there scowling at me and Vincent in our embrace, well it wasn't even in a embrace he just rescued me but as usual Ashton was beyond livid over someone else touching me. I remove myself out of Vincent's arms and stand in front of him, he saved me I wasn't going to let Ashton hurt him over a misunderstanding "Just calm down his an ally, his on our side" Ashton does not say anything instead I hear Vincent landing on the floor, his body spasming as he screams in agonising pain. Ashtons eyes was glowing red, his hand lit up by his red power, I bend down and hold Vincent in my arms, I turn my face back to Ashton "Stop it" I shout at him but he doesn't instead he walks closer to us "Your mine" He spits at me "I am sick of men trying to take you away from me, you belong to me not this fool or that puppy" My anger was starting to bubble up inside me where I could feel my whole body become wrapped up in my black light. As soon as he sees me he stops and just stares at me as I too stood from the ground "I am sick of you thinking you can control me" I lift my hand up that was lit up with my black power "I am not yours" I flick my hand that sends a shot of fire towards Ashton who just stands there and flicks his own hand extinguishing my own fire, "My dark princess your using my own power against me, your way more impressive then I thought" before I could say a reply he starts to run towards me and I don't bother to run I just stand my ground giving him the biggest scowl I could muster. It seems Vincent was ok because he was sitting on the ground holding his throat getting his breathing back under control. Ashton starts to slow down when he got close to me, he grabs me by the waist and pulls me to him, he puts his mouth against my ear, his warm breath against my skin that made me breathe in "You make me crazy and I cannot apologise for that but that blonde insect cannot have you" He whispers. I don't know why but slowly my power was going back into its hiding place, maybe because it did not like to hurt Ashton or maybe Ashtons touch not just made my power  appear but also calmed it,  but before it did go back to hide I needed to prove a point, I put my hand on Ashtons chest, he moved his head back to look me in the eyes before starting to put his lips to mine but instead of kissing him I blasted his jealous ass back causing him to fly across the floor landing hard on his back "Your an asshole Ashton don't touch me" I turn around and face Vincent who was still sitting on the ground. I reach my hand out to him which he grabs quickly lifting himself up. I was about to ask him if he was okay instead he cupped my head and kissed me firmly on the cheek "Thankyou darling" He says causing me to blush and Ashton to go completely insane standing back up and looking beyond mad but before he could go all red devil on the man next to me a lightening blast hits him in the chest causing him to land back on the ground "Vincent you must be insane to follow us here" Elijah shouts from the other side of the street carrying a couple of shopping bags. 

We was now all back in the house eating a hot bowl of Elijah's stew well everyone was eating apart from Ashton who had to be carried by Elijah and was now lying on the sofa, luckily a lightening blast in the chest would not kill Ashton as we all knew from before in the forest but it was taking him longer to gain consciousness due to the night before. Vincent was sitting next to Elijah and I was next to a unconscious Ashton "So why are you here?" Elijah asks Vincent taking a bite out of what looked like some kind of meat "I heard you did a runner Eli to save Ember. I owe you a lot Elijah so I am here to help" He says shifting his eyes back to me "Ember I don't agree with the clan I am here to protect you if you will let me" He says and lets me take my time to process everything, I smile slightly "You can join us" He gives me the biggest grin and leans forward holding my hands "Thankyou darling your kind as well as beautiful" he gives me a wink that again causes me to blush "Uhm well thankyou and thankyou for saving me" he lifts my hand to his lips but before he could kiss my hand his pulled away by Elijah "Okay that's enough Vincent" He snaps, then faces me "What do you mean he saved you?" Elijah asks squeezing Vincent shoulder a little to hard then needed "Some skeleton thing was about to attack me and Vincent saved me, oh wait how did you get to me so fast you wasn't no where near me?" I lift an eyebrow not realising till now that he got to me so quick. Vincent removes Elijah hand off him then rolls his shoulder wincing from where Elijah squeezed "Well my power is teleportation" he answers "no way" I shout excitedly. I don't know why but that sounded beyond awesome, he laughs and then gives me a wink "Well I am going to just quickly scout the streets encase any more of them things are out there. Ashton said there are beasts in Demonae" Elijah stands up and walks out the doors "Don't do anything stupid Vincent" Elijah calls from outside. After a few seconds of silence, I lift my head to Vincent who was looking at me "Its so awesome your power is teleporting I bet its so useful instead of using portals" He gives me a sly smile then says "It is. Want me to show you" He doesn't let me say anything back instead he disappears in a purple light leaving me sitting there with my mouth open "What do you think?" I jump on the spot as Vincent's honey filled voice whispers in my ear, I quickly turn round and get met with beautiful green eyes, Vincent's arms was resting on the back of the sofa, leaning forward towards me a flirty smile on his face. Oh my god I don't know what was happening but for some reason Vincent was sparkling in beautiful purple light he looked gorgeous, slowly he leaned in more and for some reason I was letting him. I have no idea what was going on but for some strange reason I felt entranced by him, how could I not he looked like a golden prince. His face was so close to mine now his lips near my own "So Ember what do you think?" He asks again in a huskily whisper "Its really impressive" I answer breathlessly, What was going on with me? "Well then that's..."He started to say leaning in even closer but before he could do anything Ashton punches him straight in the face causing Vincent to land on the floor blood pouring from his mouth "Don't touch her" Ashton seethes pulling me onto his lap "Ashton what the fuck is wrong with you" I try to pull myself off of him but he doesn't let me he just holds me in a tight grasp. Vincent stands up and spits the blood out of his mouth "Nice to meet you Ashton" He says rubbing his jaw "You got a powerful punch on you" Vincent smiles at us as Elijah walks in the door "Well there's nothing out...."Elijah stops as soon as he sees the scene of me on Ashton lap trying to wiggle myself out, Ashton holding me close glaring hard at Vincent, while Vincent stood there rubbing his jaw with a split lip that was still bleeding excessively. Elijah just sighs loudly "this is not going to be good" he says shaking his head. Honestly I agreed with him.  

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