Chapter Twenty Seven

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I felt completely helpless as I watched both men fight to death, I didn't want anyone to die over me especially Elijah and Ashton both who have protected me since I was in danger of the clan but the only person I had my eyes on was Vincent. The way he stood next to us at first his sword out like he to was going to battle but instead I see him disappear in purple light in front of my eyes as I watched from the building window and he was never seen again not even when Ashton came out the building completely naked, which by the way I tried very hard not to stare at but even my womanly needs couldn't control themselves as all his muscles bulged out his arms, every definition on this man was like a Greek god he was the impeccable of man. All of me wanted to run into his hands kiss those lips of his but instead I just watched as he walked towards Elijah his back now facing me showing me a perfectly shaped bottom, my cheeks automatically went pink but then guilt washed over me as I watched Elijah feeling his head that was slowly dripping blood. I stood up and rushed over to them "Oh my god are you both okay?" I asked a tremble in my voice as I tried hard not to cry, Ashton quickly turned his dark eyes observing me as I got closer to them. With a squeal Ashton grabs my arm pulling me into his naked form. I could feel his hot skin on my cheeks as his head was bowed into my hair, everything in me was heating up, my whole body wanted him to do more then hug me, I wanted him to make me feel the ecstasy his power did because if that was how it felt without him touching me with his hands then for goodness sake how would it feel with them caressing me, with those lips on mine, his tongue licking my skin. I closed my eyes and beg for the dirty thoughts to stop "Ashton your naked" I tell him so quiet that I didn't think he would hear me "trouble is you are not" He tells me his voice husky as always, I could sense the smirk on that kissable mouth... No I meant cocky mouth for damn sake. I push him off forcing myself back in control "Ok we need to get out of here" my eyes now fully focused on Ashton, his gaze scorching into mine. I swear I didn't mean to but I accidently, unintentionally started to look down and maybe observing every bit of Ashton until I reached his most intimate part that made my whole face go as red as the ripest tomatoes, how the hell does he walk around with that thing, "And finding you some clothes" I squeak covering my eyes with my hands causing Ashton to laugh. I have never felt so embarrassed in all my life "Are you guys done flirting or can we actually go" a voice from above us shouts and for some reason everything I felt for Ashton started to fade and my eyes instead locked with Vincent's who was standing on the top of the roof Infront of us. Something was not right, the feelings for Ashton was strong but why was Vincent on my mind, "Where the fuck were you during all that?" Ashton was livid, his face was contorted in rage, every muscles tensed up as the red light was sparking round him, "Hey now Ash, you and Elijah had it covered. I needed to make sure there was no one else" Vincent jumps from the roof and lands in front of us "I didn't want someone coming behind us and grabbing our angel right" He walks towards me those gorgeous green eyes focused on my own, Ashton grabs my hand and pulls me close, his arms wrapping around me in a possessive grasp while his murderous gaze was directed  towards Vincent. For a few seconds it was awkward silence with tension filling the air, Ashton staring at Vincent while Vincent looked down at me "Okay lets get going" Elijah was now up walking up to Vincent putting a hand on his shoulder "Come on bud enough blood been shed today lets just leave" Vincent nodded then walked away Elijah arm now dropped to his side. I don't know what was happening to me why was it that when Vincent was around my mind was a blur "That prick" Ashton whispers full of venom. I glare my eyes and push his arms off me "You are the prick" I snap at him turning away and walking away from him following the other two men feeling nothing but confusion.  

After what felt like hours of walking we was still in the village but by the looks of it a lot more destructive of sorts. The buildings got worse and looked more then abandoned while the streets felt more eery and creepy, we didn't encounter anything or anyone else which was a relief on all of us, we needed rest. Elijah was getting worse as his head still didn't get any medical attention because Elijah was one stubborn man but after me constantly nagging him he agreed allowing Vincent to teleport into a chemist and coming back with bandages and something to clean his wounds which I happily did, he thankfully remembered Ashtons nakedness and bought some clothes for him which included a pair of red leather trouser and a plain bright pink shirt with flowered patterns that a tourist would wear on holiday, after a few colourful words of Ashton accusing Vincent of taking the piss we was off again. All four of us right now was hunkered down in a tiny derelict looking house, it was nothing like the last one, this one was covered in dust and cracked walls, the whole building completely empty with nothing but a old shabby fireplace that needed firewood to work that Ashton found, there was an empty kitchen that didn't work at all, trust me Elijah tried. The floorboards creaked every time one off us would walk along them to either go to the toilet or just stretch our legs, me personally hated walking on them they looked like they was about to break at anytime and me falling through. The worse part of the house however was the feeling of pain, the history echoed off the walls leaving me feeling nothing but distress even when I was sitting curled up by a flaming fire feeling the warmth it gave me as the sun settled and the darkness came creeping in with the cold. Right now it was just me and a very disgruntled Ashton thanks to Elijah forcing Vincent to help him find food. He sat there opposite me by the fire watching me with a strong gaze as I had my knees up against my chest rubbing my arms. I looked at him and then quickly looked away, he looked mad "What is the matter with you?" I asked preferring to gaze at the orange and red flames then at his dark eyes "Do you know how it hard it is for me?" He said through gritted teeth, I swallowed the fear that I had deep down in my gut then finally turned my head "I have no idea what you are talking about" he smiles but this one is different then before, he starts to get on his hands and knees "No...don't you dare" I stutter as I dop my arms and legs and scurry back, I didn't know why the rooms was to small to go anywhere. Slowly he crawls towards me that same smile on his face, maybe its amusement "Whenever you flirt with that insect Infront of me, whenever I catch you glimpsing at him with those gorgeous eyes of yours, when you nearly fucking kiss him" he said the last part with a sneer before he continued to slowly crawl to me in such a seductive way that my heart hammered in my chest, "I start to feel so much rage. You Ember turn me from a perfect gentleman into a fucking jealous animal" I didn't know what to say or even do, I quickly stand up and go to run out the door but he soon grabs my arms and throws me down with me landing on top of him back in front of the fireplace. If I thought he was handsome before it was nothing to now with the dim light of the flames glimmering his face, "You don't know what you do to me" He whispers pulling me down so my face was by his "I.I.I don't" before I could finish my embarrassing words he pulls me down even further so my lips touched his and automatically everything in the world felt right. Every time we kissed my whole being burned with passion, and soon we was both fighting for domination, the heat inside me burst into a giant frenzy where my hands started to grab his head angling his face so I could kiss him even more deeper. Too quickly it ended, well I thought it did until Ashton grabbed me again and laid me against the floor so he was on top of me "Tell me you feel nothing for that insect, that your mine" He tells me in such a sexy breathless voice "Ashton I don't know what you think but I don't like Vincent like that but it is strange..."I start to say thinking back to every time he wasn't there this is where my heart, body and soul went for even when I first met him I felt the lust I had for him and now it grown deeper but as soon as Vincent's enters the room something changes, then I realised something, something I should of noticed before "Ashton I don't think Vincent's only power is Teleporting" Ashton lips goes up slightly, his hand cradling my cheek "We thinking the same thing my dark queen" he speaks to me softly before bending down and kissing me again this time different, it was filled with his feelings for me. I didn't stop him when his hands reached up into my top leaving electric sparks where he traces his hand up to my breast causing me to moan into his mouth. He pulls back and leans his forehead against mine breathing heavily "This is not the place. I want to make our bond permanent somewhere not as..." I laugh and say "Shitty" He laughs too before telling me he loves me and kissing me again in front of the heat of a burning fire. 

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