Chapter Eight

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I woke up still reeling from the dream, Ashton really was a asshole a true asshole. "Ember I will find you soon" Was still repeating it self in my brain like a record player, what the hell did he mean? was he close to where I was? You know I am pretty sick of people trying to hunt me down, Its sent nothing but anxiety through me. I slowly creeped out of bed seeing a pair of black legging and a long red t-shirt on a small chair on the other side of the room. The old lady must of given me some clean clothes, I didn't have any underwear but right now it did not matter clean clothes was just what I needed. I quickly got dressed and found myself walking towards the bathroom. I grabbed some toothpaste, and squirted a bit in my mouth rubbing it around with my tongue and spitting it back in the sink. It was not really a big bathroom but it was pretty cute, It was decorated in blue paint with blue tiles where the bath was, there was no shower but a small cabinet above the sink. I opened it up and found some bobbles and a brush. I know I should of asked but my hair was desperate and to be honest I didn't think they would mind. I brushed the knots out quickly scrunching my face as I pulled my hair against my scalp, After the torture was over I  tied my hair in a tight pony tail before going downstairs smelling the bitter aroma of coffee awaiting me.  As soon as I got down both the couple was already there poring a cup of coffee and placing it on the table "Sugar is on the table sweetie with some milk" She was wearing a pair of black trousers with a long cardigan with some black fluffy slippers, she was seriously a perfect grandmother. The husband however was sitting on the table in a pair of black jeans and a stripy jumper reading a newspaper with his glasses on the end of his nose.  "Thankyou" I said sitting down pouring a bit of milk in the cup with two sugars, I needed the sugar because I had no idea where I was going soon, some sweet energy is just what I need. I sipped the hot deliciousness down my throat and my god it was amazing. "Thankyou for the clothes" I said looking at the woman who legit saved my life. "Its ok hunny its just some clothes that one of my daughters left here" I continued to drink the coffee while talking briefly about her kids. I found out they had 3 kids, two daughters and a son, all moved out. They was the nicest people I have ever met and I was thankful they took me in for the night, it only started getting awkward when they asked me that hard question, "So sweetie what happened last night for you to hide in my shed?" She looked me deep in the eye like a mother interrogating her child, even the old man folded the newspaper and put it on the table also staring me down.  I had no idea what to say so I was just honest "I am sorry but I cannot tell you, its hard to explain" I told them playing with my hands under the table. "Are you in danger?" The older man said the only time he spoke since I came down the stairs. "I am but I am not getting any police involved its my problem" I told them standing up from the table and starting to feel guilty about what I was about to do "Thankyou so much for you hospitality and kindness but I need to go" I walked towards the front door and opened it smiling at both them as they too stood up "You do not have to leave darling you can stay as long as..." Before she could finish I said "Thankyou but I really need to go" I shut the door still not wearing shoes but that was fine I was sure I saw some in the shed, I quickly went round the back grabbing the little bit to big sandals off the floor and slipped them on. 

After a while I was on a bus thanks to some woman arguing with the train driver, I was able to sneak on while the driver was distracted. I mean yes technically its wrong but I was in one of those desperate situations where the rules and law no longer existed. I had no idea where I was going but I needed to get as far away as possible to keep everyone safe. Everything in my life had changed and I felt completely defeated, slowly tears dripped down my cheeks causing me to sniff as more involuntary tears  streamed, thankfully not many people was on the bus so I could sob as much as I wanted without much attention. Finally I decided to get off the bus to a place I never heard of but it was far enough for me to get away from whoever was chasing me down. From the bus station I headed down a town centre and honestly I was starting to get cold, tired and goddamn hungry, maybe I should of stayed longer in that couples house just so I could of at least eaten, damn me and my pride.  I was starting to slow down looking at every shop to see if any of them was easy to steal from, well that's until I heard the footsteps behind me, I quickly turned and saw the man from my house following me still wearing his hoodie that covered his face, how was nobody suspicious of this guy. I ran as fast as I could which was a struggle as I was wearing those to big flip flops. I ran and ran through the crowd of people some of them spitting profanities at me until I stopped, leaning on a bin breathing rapidly, I quickly looked behind me and saw no one phew I must of lost him. After a few seconds of breathing and getting my breath back and my heart back to its normal beats I started to stand upright again where In the distance I could see a shopping centre, that was my next stop maybe I could grab a new set of clothes something more comfortable and warmer, maybe even some breakfast bars or at least something I mean yes I would have to steal them which terrified me but it shouldn't be to hard it looked like the place was packed but before I could get there I was grabbed and next thing I knew I was lying on grass screaming into a large hand. "Stop fighting me Ember its okay" That voice I recognised that voice. I stopped screaming and squirming, slowly the hand released me I quickly turned round my eyes wide as the guy from my house slowly removed his hood. "Elijah" I whispered.

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