Chapter Thirty

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As soon as Ashton runs at me and Vincent his eyes completely red and full of hatred and anger I suddenly disappear and then land on a dirt floor. My heart was pounding, everything inside me was shaking. Vincent was part of the clan and he was going to take me there to my death or even worse, tears streamed down my face, my lips quivering as I tried my hardest not to show fear "Shh calm down Ember" Vincent bends down to me and puts his hand on my cheek lifting my face to meet his beautiful green eyes "You know Ember you truly are a goddess" He brings his face closer to mine his hand caressing down my face "I didn't want to bring you to the clan but its my duty" He whispers his face frowning as he stared at me "Then why? Your Elijah friend and you betrayed him" I stutter in the middle of my quivering mess "because they would kill me" Vincent drops his hand then his head and looks down "Ember they not going to kill you I promise" He stands up then pick me up off the floor gently by the shoulder "Come on" He says grabbing my hand and walking me towards the huge castle in front of me that I only just noticed. It was the biggest building I had ever seen, its stone formation was a grand old castle at least thousands of years old, I turn slightly to see we was on top of the Motte, a big earthen mould where the castle stood upon. The keep was pointing into the sky as the rest of the castle was moulded around it.  Large stone walls went round the castle with a huge silver metal gate in front of us covered in white light, Vincent walked up to it and put his hand inside the light where it slowly dimmed and the gate opened "Only a clan member can open the gate" He smiles down at me then we continue to walk right towards the double oak doors  where my life was about to change for the worse. 

As soon as we walk inside the castle the first thing I noticed was the huge entry way where all the clan members were standing in front of us there black and red hoods down so I could not see there face. The entry way was dimly lit by all the torches on the the stone walls, it was a rectangular room, there was a couple of large bay windows that showed the greenery outside with tall trees. It was nothing but an empty room with all these mysterious looking witches and wizards with there hoods covering there face. Vincent hand gripped harder on my hand as suddenly the witches and wizards moved to the side making a entry for something,  behind them was a stone staircase leading up to the thousands of room up the stairs, "Keep your eyes focused Ember" Vincent whispers in my ear as my eyes looked upon where the staircase is. Before I could register what was happening a tall man his white hood down so I could not see his face but still I felt I knew this person, he seemed similar like I knew him all my life, "Ember" That voice I knew that Voice, its the voice I heard whenever I was ill, Its the voice that spoke to me softly when I was sad, the voice that laughed with me when we was on holiday or when we spent the day together making happy memories, the voice that was my fathers. Slowly he removed his hood and standing in front of me with his grey hair and the grey eyes I knew so well stared at me but like when he found out Ashton could enter my dreams they was no longer full of love I was used to instead they was full of malice, "Father" I whispered completely in shock and completely heart broken. How can my father be the clan leader and not tell me, "Daughter" He says back walking a little closer to me so he was in front of me "You have let me down. I told you to run but instead you you ran into the arms of the devil" he spits at me, his whole body lighting up white, but now used to people being lit up by a colour I was not taken aback. I look up at him my confidence returning, this was my father, I will not be scared of the man that bought me up. I straighten my self up and direct my gaze right into his now white ones "Father you have Ashton all wrong his not evil. He has been trying to restore Demonae, the true devil is out there somewhere corrupting this world, we need to find him or even her" I tell him. My father just stands there then he gives me a small smile which does not meet his eyes "Vincent take her to her room" He turns around and then says "I will speak to you tomorrow Ember" he then walks away heading back up the stairs. 

All the witches and wizards stood there and still didn't move until Vincent gripped my hand and walked me up the stairs after my father, we then turned right and stood Infront of a old oak door, "You will be in here, just put your hand on the door" I did as he said and quickly the door opened up to a beautiful grand room. A king size four poster wooden bed was against the backroom, beautiful white silk surrounded around the bed I'm guessing for privacy but wow. The posts on the bed was engraved in beautiful patterns, the rest of the room was just as gorgeous, there was a small bay window on the side of the room, a huge white fluffy rug in the middle of the room, with a wooden antique makeup table with a small chair on one side of the room while the other side was a double mahogany wardrobe next to it a mahogany chest of draws, "Beautiful isn't it" Vincent says as I walk into the room my jaw dropped to the floor. Everything was antique and just stunning, it looked like no one has ever slept in here, my father obviously knew I was coming here eventually "Ember?" I was near the bed touching the silks and feeling the smooth fabric between my fingers when Vincent spoke my name in a huskily voice. I stand up and turn nearly bump into Vincent his tall frame covering my small one, I lift my eyes and see his is glowing his purple light "Vincent your manipulation wont work on me" I glare at him my hands fisted, "I know, its why I find you fascinating" His hand lifts up and takes a hand of my blonde hair "Your not just beautiful but really powerful so much that you can fight off my seduction" He drops my hair and walks causing me to fall on the bed before pushing me down and getting on top of me "Get off" I shout trying my best to push him away my hands on his chest "Ember forget about Ashton and the prophecy. Be mine instead" He takes my hands off his chest and holds them in his own looking at me deep in the eyes, "What" I scream "I am no bodies. I don't care about no prophecy" I take my hands from his "Please leave" I tell him trying again to get him off of me. He bends his head to mine his forehead on my own "I will make you mine" He says quietly before putting his lips on mine, I don't respond instead I turn my head "No" everything inside me pounded, it felt wrong I didn't want me near him, he was nothing like Ashton where my body burns when he touches me, how his lips fits perfectly with mine. Vincent felt wrong like a unwanted sore. He grabs my chin aggressively and starts to attack my lips again with his but this time I felt everything in me become a bottle of anger. I bite his lip hard so much that I tasted the blood in my mouth. Vincent screams before jumping off the bed holding his cut lip that was pouring of blood, I lift myself up so I was sitting on the bed giving him my best death stare "You are really something" He starts to glow his purple, I was about to tell him to leave again before a couple of naked women with long orange hair appears behind me grabbing my hands and pushing me down.  Vincent starts to remove his purple shirt so he was standing there in nothing but his black jeans. Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that Vincent was nothing but a monster I would of been very much impressed, he wasn't as gorgeous as Ashton topless but he still had a gorgeous toned chest and stomach, "Let me show you what your declining" He says quietly a evil smile on his lips "Let me go, please don't do this" I cry loudly as I try to fight these horrible naked women off me "I wont do anything to you Ember I am not that evil" He says climbing again on top of me "But I want to speak to you while making you change your mind" His lips go to my neck and kisses gently down. I felt nothing but disgust "Get off me" I shout loudly causing Vincent to get up and putting a hand over my mouth, "Shhh lovely, no need to get scared" He whispers to me, a few unwanted tears start to stain my cheeks, I was nothing but terrified, every bit of my body was shaking in fear. Vincent's eyes goes wide before sighing and removing his hand before getting off the bed, the naked women disappearing in purple smoke. He puts his shirt back on and turns away from me. I could hear him breathing "What the hell are you doing to me?" He asks more to himself then to me "Why am I starting to feel guilty?" He walks to the door and opens it "Forget it" he says slamming the door behind him and leaving me looking out the window "Save me Ashton" I whisper to myself as I lie down and continue to cry. 

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