Chapter Twenty Eight

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The next morning all four of us was sitting near the fire a bowl of porridge in our hands, me and Ashton was sitting next to each other while Vincent was in the room again starting to feel that connection to him but since mine and Ashton talk and uhm well our little makeup session a new determination soared inside me. Something was not right here from how my feeling changed dramatically with Ashton and even weirder the strange lust I felt for Vincent. Right now his green eyes burned into me which held a lot of aggravation. Elijah didn't look very happy that I was sitting right next to Ashton either, he had the hugest pout on his face as he ate his porridge, and I'm guessing he was feeling a lot of disappointment also that I never replied to his confession but come on I had way more to deal with, "So Ember what did you get up to while me and Elijah went out?" Vincent asked leaning forward a little closer. I felt Ashton tense underneath me but as soon as I put my hand in his he calmed instantly "Nothing much me and Ashton just had a chat" I told him a small smile on my face, "I see that" He too shared a small smile but the way his eyes glared with a shine of something that sent a shiver up my spine was making me nothing but worried.  I was positive he had more power within him that he was not sharing and I was going to find out what because I was positive it was the reason for all the strange things happening to me was because of this hot blonde haired man. 

After a while we started to walk again down the village of horror, and I mean it the further you went down the worse it gotten, now most the building had collapsed and blood was seen all over the walls, "Ashton I hope your home isn't anywhere near here" I tell him my hand in his. He gives my hand a squeeze and smiles down at me "No it isn't but Its strange the village not usually like this" I look around again feeling like something was watching me but maybe that was because of the atmosphere that suddenly went dark. A few minutes had passed before anyone else had spoke "Do you hear that?" Elijah asks stepping in front of us his hands bright blue with electric sparks "No what do you..." But before I could finish a high pitched scream suddenly is heard, all of us except Vincent on the ground covering our ears "What the fuck was that?" Ashton asks grabbing me into him as the scream gets louder "A banshee" Vincent answers holding out his sword glowing purple "A banshee? No way" I say quietly my body shaking in fear "What the fucks a banshee doing out here?" Elijah asks standing back up "I have no idea but its fucking strange" Ashton says picking me up off the ground holding my hand again but this time a little to tight but hey I am not going to complain "Maybe it sense this beauty's power" Vincent says again another smile at me but instead of blushing like I used to, I turn away and rest my head on Ashton chest.  All of us was now on edge walking slower then usual with the three men glowing there power "Keep your eyes peeled" Elijah states walking in front while I was still gripping Ashtons hand, no one else said anything instead we was all on edge and nothing was breaking that "Ahead" Vincent shouts as the same skeleton figures with the bits of flesh dropping off there bones came running towards us with those knives, quickly did Ashton let go of my hand pulling me behind him as he shot out his fireballs at the skeletons, all of them blowing up in a purple smoke.... purple...smoke. I turned my head and saw Vincent no longer with us while the two men fought with the skeleton monsters. It was Vincent he was causing this, his power was hallucinations maybe even manipulation, he was messing with my head maybe even causing me to look at him in a different view then I would of. I run towards an empty building and hide inside, not because I didn't want to fight because I did but because I wanted to look for the person responsible for this, I searched everywhere, on top of buildings, in the middle of the hoard of skeleton creatures but I saw nothing. Elijah and Ashton was battling like warriors, they worked together as a team Elijah would get the ones that came behind Ashton and Ashton did the same for Elijah fire and lightening in a perfect harmony but the only problem was the monsters never stopped coming, it was endless. I tried my best to bring my own power out but I couldn't, I was not angry or well lustful. I was on edge because for some reason Vincent was no longer there again and now knowing what was going on I couldn't do anything. Ashton would believe me but Elijah wouldn't it was his friend who he obviously trusted. As time went on and the hoard kept coming I started to feel desperate I need to help, needed to protect, but how did I get my power up without feeling rage. Wait I need to become enraged and the only way I knew how was by thinking of something that was getting me angry. I closed my eyes and started to think of everything that suddenly happened to me. My father hurt, my best friend hurt, Elijah needing to be involved and risking his life for me. Ashton. Ashton coming into my life and changing everything from my quiet life to a life now filled with horrors, filled with violence and fear but for some reason I couldn't help but like him, his lips on mine sent sparks through me, his hands touching my skin that caused shivers to run down my  back. Everything inside me heated up as I thought about me and Ashton kissing, touching, both our clothes landing on the floor as our bodies joined together in a violent passion. Suddenly I felt my power rise, my black light engulfed round me until a hand clasps over my mouth "Oh no you don't" Vincent voice whispers into my ear as my back was pushed up against his hard chest. He starts to walk and suddenly I see all the monsters disappear. Ashton and Elijah stop and turn to look at me and both men suddenly went enraged "What the fuck are you doing?" Elijah asks his voice loud and confused "Let...Her... Go" Ashton says slowly and viciously his eyes bright red. I look him directly into that dark gaze feeling completely useless. My power dropped as soon as his hand went to my mouth. Maybe it was because it was shock or because the power Vincent holds somehow stops me from gaining my power. All I could do was stand there and plea for Elijah and Vincent to save me. 

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