Chapter Seventeen

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2 years ago

"Ashton the lies the clan have said have caused you in a bad light. Every witch and warlock will be after you now. Your last hope is the girl" Ugh Roger was annoying, was he my best friend? kind of, did I want to fry him alive right now. Yes. I could already feel my hands burning red and not the kind he would like. I looked at him my black eyes scorching in his yellow ones "I don't need no girl to save me. I am one of the most powerful warlocks of this time" who cared if I was only nineteen, Ashton did not rely on anyone, that's how I lived, me, myself and I was all that was needed. I could see the sweat dripping from his forehead. Fear. Well not really its more likely annoyance Roger didn't need to be scared of me in all honesty we learned our powers together. He has been the only person in my life. Yes, I was more powerful and controlled more than one gift, but he could control beasts and fuck me was that annoying. He also knew how to find people which again was annoying. He put a hand through his long blonde hair, I'm sure he thought himself as a fucking Viking then tried again "But Ash Shes the last hope for Demonae" he knew how to get me, I loved this place more than my own parents, it was the only place that accepted me and slowly it was becoming more tainted, it needed to be saved "Look even if she could, we don't know who this fated sex partner is of mine" I say sitting down on the leather chair" one of the nymphs walked up to me nearly naked as always with a silver tray in her hand  and couple of wines on top in a couple of glasses "Thanks" I say not looking at her while Mr pervy here tongue was hanging on the floor. She leaned in her lips by my ear "After your wine why don't I say my thanks in your chambers" Her voice was soft with a certain purr that drove men wild while, for me it didn't work. I never understood why I wasn't attracted to anything, well but my handsome self OfCourse but they never done anything for me. According to Roger it's because of this goddamn prophecy only one woman was supposed to be mine, destined to make our powers grow so we could take back Demonae as no longer just a Goddess but a God also.  I turn my head to be met with beautiful green eyes shining, the long green hair of the nymph draping down one side of her shoulder but again nothing, I could see her trying to use all the power of lust she had to entice me in but it wasn't working, the only thing it was doing was causing those green pupils to bring Roger closer towards us "Sweetheart it's not going to happen but I think Roger is interested" my hand extended towards a hallucinated Roger. She turned her head to the blonde, his arms as big my head, the tattoos of all the beasts in Demonae inked on his left arm reaching out to touch the nymph, she glared standing up back to her full length, walking away and if not mistaken throwing every fun word my direction. Roger who was now sitting on the floor shook his head a grimace on his face "As beautiful as nymphs are they also annoying" I took a drink of my wine and looked back at Roger "They have nowhere else to go" I say. Roger smiled standing back up leaning against the fireplace "You're a good guy at heart" He tells me "Which is why we need to find this girl and luckily for you I have" before I knew it the glass, I was holding shattered "What?" I shouted, "Who the fuck said you could go looking for her" I now stood up facing Roger head on "Before you say anything stupid, we need her" he tells me looking me dead in the eye unlike before. "I told you I don't need..." But before I could finish that sentence, I heard the most alluring voice in all of Demonae "Oh come on Ava he is a creep" It was like the sweetest honey, her voice was causing little Ashton to grow, like what the actual fuck. She must have been a temptress or better yet a fucking succubus she was something alright.  I turn my head to face the fire and there she was the most beautiful creature I ever seen. I noticed her eyes first the most amazing green I ever seen even more then the nymph that tried to seduce me to bed, if she looked like this beauty, it would have worked. They glowed through the orange and yellow of my fireplace begging me to drag her to me so I could watch those eyes burst with pleasure, my own eyes then followed her long blonde hair, each strand golden like the sun, my mind filled with dirty thoughts of it going down her naked back meeting her perfected ass that was let say sitting on a very naked me. I then trailed down to her mouth, perfectly full pink lips that was begging to become swollen from my kisses. Right now, she was nothing but perfection, a huge smile on her face causing my heart to race. I never felt this way ever damn Roger was right I needed this girl and not because I wanted to save Demonae which I did but because I wanted no fuck that I needed this unknown girl. 

I woke up with cold sweats like every night since I had seen Ember in that fireplace. Since that day I watched her every night and every night I fell deeper. She was hardworking, kind, beautiful she had fire in her more than anyone I seen. She wanted to do good in the world and man did that make me hard. She was everything a goddess should be, I was so tempted to hunt her down right now, but I couldn't I needed to learn more about her and even if I wanted to, she was protected by the clan from me. They came to find out I knew about her and that really boiled my blood. But one day I would find a way to get to her even if that meant going in her dreams. 

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