Chapter Thirty Seven

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The rage engulfed me, it was building up inside me like a volcano ready to burst. I couldn't concentrate on anything now except for the man that stood up from the ruins that I had thrown him threw. My light was wrapped round me tightly as the wind blew my hair behind me. I was floating towards him as he wobbled backwards "Ember I raised you. You do not want to kill the man who had become your dad" His eyes filled with panic as the blood boiled from inside me "Your not my father" I spit at him as slowly I raise my hand lifting him into the air. He was struggling against my power as I slammed him against another wall, blood poured from his mouth as he breathed in the pain "Ember....Think about it" I walked towards him gripping his neck with my hand "What's there to think about? you just murdered my friend" I was about to finish him off before he whispered one name "Ashton" I stopped my eyes widening just by his name which was just enough time for Lockland to do his own attack as he lifted a arm and blew me back with his power of destruction. I quickly drop to the floor thinking that like Ava I would blow up but it did not happened instead it just winded me. Lockland quickly stands up and looks towards me as I get back on my feet with shaken legs "I guess you really are the goddess of Demonae. Only the Goddess could handle a attack from me" The black light surrounded me as all my thoughts was not on Ashton "What the fuck have you done with Ashton?" I demand but all I get is that creepy laugh before he focuses his eyes back on me but they was no longer the gentle green they once was now they was completely white as his own grey lightly started surrounding him "His alive but not for long because once I drain every inch of your power he will die with you" Suddenly he shot out another light out at me but this time I just about had time to dive out the way before locking my gaze into his and lifting my hand focusing all my energy on the anger that was inside but Lockland was smart and dived out the way before I could again grab him with my telekinesis. Slowly I stand up but Lockland was gone all I could hear was the echo of his voice bouncing off the old walls "You think you can kill me little girl" the shouts was all around me as I was turning my body every which way to find him. I was on full alert until I suddenly get hit with another one of his destructive blasts sending me on my knees "You might be the Goddess but I am the one that will rule this world" Again I get hit with another destructive blast causing me to gasp in pain as I feel my whole body burn from the inside "You will be the one to help me with that my daughter" His voice was coming from right Infront of me and when I look up there he was standing over me, his eyes no longer the soft green they once was now they was fully white, filled with hate and evil. He grabs me by my hair pulling me up causing me to struggle in his grip as I try to find the strength to pull him off but the strength I used to stay alive from his attack had weaken me. A single tear strayed down my cheek as I focused on nothing but the death of Ava trying to bring back the power that was inside but all I could think of was my death "Goodbye daughter" Suddenly his hand was on my chest just above my heart, the light exploding from him as a scorching pain hit me hard causing me to scream as I felt the power inside me slowly be taken. This was it I was about to die, slowly I was becoming weaker as everything inside me was draining, I could feel my head slump against my chest and was ready to give in my life until a voice whispered inside my head. 

"Don't let him beat you child. Don't let him ruin your home" It was a gentle whisper one that I would recognise anywhere. It was my mother. "Honey your strong find what's inside" That was the voice of my father both of them was inside my head. No. They was inside me. Suddenly I started to feel the power inside me slowly rebuild and when it had fully recharged it burst from me as I think of there deaths, that Lockland killed my mother, my father and my best friend. I cannot let him win. I scream out as fire burst from me with my own telekinetic abilities sending Lockland backwards hitting a wall. He slowly slumps down against the slabs as my own black light combined with the red that was Ashtons surrounded me. I walked towards him and grip his neck the fire still surrounding me. Tightening my grip around his neck I ask "Where is Ashton?" He didn't respond instead he let out a small villainous laugh. I knew Ashton was not dead because I was confident that I would feel it inside me if he was but something was not right. I could still feel his power combined with mine so I closed my eyes and let the fire inside go down to my hands, Lockland screamed as his skin started to burn, the smell of flesh causing me to nearly let go and throw up but I didn't stop until he screamed "Wait Ember wait" He screamed out in pain. Slowly I let go of the fire and reopened my eyes witnessing the burnt flesh that was around his neck, the skin was filled with ugly red blisters with some of his flesh sloughing off his body. The smell even now was strong. I looked into those eyes that once filled with love or at least that's what I seen but now I saw the truth they was filled with greed and evil "Where is Ashton?" I ask again. His breathing was slowed and still he didn't answer me "Fine I guess your useless then. Don't think I am going to end your life quickly. This death will be slow and painful" I spit out at him as again I allowed the fire to reach up my arms and I guess he could see it because he suddenly started to talk "His in the lake behind the castle" his words was quick but he  didn't hide the panic "his alive?" I ask and Lockland nods before I breathe out a sigh of relief before locking my eyes with him "Have fun in hell" I spit before I loose him and lift my hands up "No please Ember" he begs but nothing would stop me not after Ava, she deserves to be avenged. Slowly the fire wrapped around my hand before I loose it off and watch as Lockland screams  his whole body engulfed in flames as slowly his body burned. I watched the colours of red and orange dance around his body as slowly it began to burn away his flesh, the screams none stop as he slumped on the floor in nothing but a black charred piece of meat. I look down and spit on him before walking away and back up the stairs. 

I ran towards the lake and there was Ashton lying on the grass covered in blood, his clothes soaking wet but his breathing was struggled as he laid there, "Ashton" I whisper as I run to him putting his head on my lap "Please no" I say tears streaming down my cheeks. I look around the place and find countless bodies surrounding the lake all of them either burned to death or killed by something else. He killed all of these enemies and now his power had drained. That's all I could think of on why he was not moving, thinking of the only thing I could do, I bend my lips to his and kiss him with as much feeling as I could. I allow my power to soak into him and it must work because suddenly he begins kissing me back. After a while I pull back and end up being entranced in his beautiful dark eyes "I want to be woke up like that every day now" he says to me that smirk back on his lip. A small blush starts to pink my tear stained cheeks "What the hell happened?" I ask, Ashton slowly lifts himself up sitting Infront of me putting his hand on my cheek "Lockland had a bigger army then we thought but they are dead" I smile down at him my heart beating in my chest. I close my eyes as I enjoy the touch on my skin "His dead" I whisper after a while. I feel Ashton move Infront of me before I feel his lips on my own once again but it was quick and filled with so much love "I am sorry" He whispers against my lips as I open my eyes back up to be met with the beautiful black ones of Ashtons "Lets go home" I say wiping a stranded tear from my cheek as Ashton smiles "we are home" He says as he stands up and grips my hand standing me up with him.  We ended up walking back to the castle and started to walk out the front, we both wanted to leave but we end up being greeted by thousand of people. No not people. There was witches and warlocks everywhere, there was the nymphs, the fairies even creatures I had no idea existed all bowing down Infront of us. Elijah slowly walks up towards us out the crowds and goes down on his knees "My goddess" he says but I  just lift him up and hug him tight "Elijah" I whisper in a croak so happy that he is alive. He grips me back "There was no way I was leaving you" he whispers in my ear causing Ashton to slowly growl. Elijah looses me and stands behind us. Everything had changed, while I was once a normal young woman, working a normal job only wanting good in the world now I was a goddess of a fantasy world who had fallen in love with a devil. So much death and heartbreak had just happened but right now I could not help but smile as everything inside me echoed the triumph of out victory as I stared at the wonders of what was Infront of me and what fate had install for me as I looked upon Demonae and all the creatures inside it. Even though we won l still felt the ache from the death of my one and true friend, I felt my heart beat in my chest as I pictured the dead inside my head. I allow my light to envelop me again as I hold onto Ashtons hand and slowly lift us into the air "Demonae is free" I shout and allow the triumphant screams explode around me. Mother, Father, Ava I will cure this world for you. 

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