Chapter Thirty Five

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Three of my fathers guard stands Infront of us there hands glowing Infront of them as they stare at me and Ashton completely naked and him still inside me, slowly he lets me down and grabs my hand in his as we stare at the guards there mouths open wide "Leave" is all I say before they stare back at me in complete shock. Ashton grabs a towel and wraps it round me as the guards still stand staring at us, all of them shaking in fear "Em...Ember we cannot leave until Ashton comes with us" one says causing my anger to rise inside me "I said leave" I scream at them not realising how powerful I have becomes as all three of them fly through the wall falling off the top of the building and most likely now dead, just a mass of blood, guts and bits of pieces on the floor. Ashton begins to laugh before stepping out and drying himself off "My love that temper of your is going to be torture for me" He says walking into the bedroom "I did not mean to" I follow him out and go into the wardrobe and quickly get dressed in a white dress that hung to my knees leaving my hair to flow down my back. Ashton eyes turn to me as I see him dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and t-shirt that must of been on my wardrobe. I am guessing Ava left it there for him. He turns round his dark eyes sparkling in nothing but I can describe as pure lust "I mean that it turns me on and right now we don't have time to go for round two" His smirk will be the death of me. I grab his hand and walk out the room to embarrassed to answer him. We walk a little further down the hall as more guards run towards us, combined together we are are indestructible so as my hand lights up black I begin to push my hand forward aggressively and start to  throw them backwards while Ashton burnt a few alive on the spot with a simple stare but before he could kill the last one I stop him "Wait" I say grabbing his hand. Slowly he looks at me then nods, I walk towards the lonely guard who shakes in fear on the spot, as I come closer to him he falls on his butt and starts to crawl backwards "Where is my father?" I ask him bending down and grabbing him by the scruff of his loose white shirt. The guard looks up his lips quivering but still not speaking "Where is he?" I ask again my gaze not leaving his "If you don't tell me I will break one limb at a time or better yet I could have Ashton burn them off one by one. The choice is yours" I say again my eyes slowly turning into the black  orbits of my power. The guard swallows before stuttering his answer "In the basement preparing for the ritual" a single tear dropping down his cheek "Please don't kill me, most of us was forced into this" I stand up and walk past him ignoring his last statements as I hear Ashton behind me "Your lucky boy" he says as we both head to the stairs. 

As both me and Ashton walked down the stairs Ava and Elijah was in a battle of there own with Sasha and another guard "You tricked me Elijah I am impressed but now you going to die by my own hand. Its such a shame to kill such a pretty face" Sasha whose green aura shimmered around her was attacking Elijah with what seemed to be tree branches where as Elijah was just dodging them, he gambolling out the way, skidding along the floor releasing his own shots off electric at her who would then block with a stone wall.  Ava however had no trouble freezing the guard with an icy blast before kicking it and watching it smash to the ground but everything stopped as Sasha saw us coming down the stairs "You slut" she spat throwing a sharp branch at me but before it could pierce me I put my hand out stopping it in mid air before turning it around and throwing it back. I watched as it just missed Sasha and slicing her cheek giving Elijah the advantage of throwing his hand back and shooting a electric bolt right at Sasha heart, slowly the light in her eyes vanished and she landed backwards on the floor no longer alive. It was a quick death but she was nothing but lucky because I wanted it to last longer. Ashton steps near the body and bends down "She is not dead" He says a smile on his lips "What? no we saw her die. Elijah hit her in the heart" Ava comes walking over "She has the power of nature she can resurrect herself" I put my hand over the body ready to rip her limb from limb but Elijah grabs my arm causing Ashton to growl slowly in his chest "Typical beast" Elijah mutters as he lowers my arm down and looks at me "Ava has to do it" he says as Ashton stands up and pulls me back into his hard body, throwing Elijah glares. Ava shakes her head before raising her hand freezing Sasha body before then clenching her fist and causing Sasha to smash into tiny pieces. We all stand there as more guards come charging at us before stopping and observing the scene of pieces of iced up body parts all over the floor and the fact that me and Ashton was both sparkling with power as well as Elijah whose hand was shining blue and Ava's that was shining a lighter blue. I walk Infront and start to levitate off the ground slowly thanks to the power of telekinesis. I now know that I can lift myself up if I truly want to "My father no Lockland is a evil man. He has destroyed Demonae and now me and Ashton are going to rebuild it and make it powerful and beautiful once again so if I was you" I stop for a moment before looking at Ashton who has also levitated off the ground and moved next to my side surrounded in his flames. My eyes refocus on the enemies "I would leave and never return unless you can accept me as your new goddess and Ashton as your new god" Only a few of the guards listened to my warning and fled the scene.  Lockland's more loyal members started to rush us but I was no longer worried or scared about battle because with me, Ashton, Ava and Elijah they would regret that decision. Let the war begin.

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