Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up with every bit of my body sore, It was not easy sleeping on a stone floor, I slowly lifted myself up with my arms outstretched above my head stretching my back until I heard it crack, "Even when you are waking up you look beautiful" Ashtons voice whispered into my ear sending the most unwanted shivers down my spine. I turned my head and was met with the most beautiful black eyes, I knew how dark they was but not how bright they were, like onyx gems under the brightening sun. I didn't respond I couldn't my voice was trapped in my throat, slowly his hand lifted caressing the side of my cheek. Why am I bloody allowing this? Smack his hand Ember, smack his hand. I didn't instead I did the worst I whispered his name "Ashton" which caused him to move closer his lips so near my own, In my dream I felt every bit of sexual tension when it came to this man but right now it was so much more intense, my breathing quickened, my heart beating faster then normal, my skin grew hot with anticipation but before anything did happen Ashton was sent flying across the cave hitting the wall with a crash causing a small crack to appear on the caves damp wall. My eyes zoomed in on the reason, Elijah was standing by the entrance his whole being shaking with anger "Don't fucking touch her" He spat his hands glowing blue with sparks. "Elijah there was no need for that" I said finally standing up walking towards Ashton. I meant what I said I wanted us to get on and defeat this enemy together, we all needed each other. My feelings for Ashton might be changing, well lust anyway but it didn't mean I was stupid I know what he wanted from me and he would not get it. I bent down towards where Ashton was slumped on the floor, but to my surprise he wasn't hurt or even angry instead he was laughing "So kid you want a fight?" His gaze lifted and boy was I wrong he was angry no not angry that was to gentle to what Ashton looked like right now if I had to put a word it would be livid, "Stay away from Ember" Elijah said his body tensing as he spoke. Ashton stood up then walked past me in slow strides facing Elijah head on. Both men was now squaring off,  there hands sparking with energy, Elijah blue vs Ashtons red, "I told you pup she belongs to me" I stood up walking towards them but none of them noticed me, not even getting in the middle of them "Guys calm down" I was saying but nope they ignored me there vicious eyes only glaring at each other "She will never belong to you devil" Elijah says his voice full of acid, his hand lifting up pulling me out the way, "Move" was the only word he said to me as his hand he moved me with was now fisted in front of his handsome face illuminating the hate that filled his brown eyes "Ha and you think she will be yours little man, you will never be good enough for her" Ashton now lifts his hand but instead of putting it up he swings it forward causing Elijah to jump to the left and me to run to the back of the cave as a blast of fire comes out of his hand.            "SHE. IS.MINE" Ashton shouts swinging his hand so another blast of fire comes out causing Elijah to again jump out the way and blasting his own electricity out. This time Ashton jumps out the way, "SHE WILL NEVER BE YOURS" Elijah shouts blasting electric shot after electric shot while Ashton dodges while shooting his own fire. As for me I am at the back of the cave fuming behind a wall listening to shouts of profanity and blasts of broken rock, I know I should of been scared but for fuck sake both these men want to protect me, or well one actually cares for me while the other has his own agenda but either way they both didn't want me dead and what do they do fucking fight over me like I am some kind of teddy bear to be won from a carnival. The anger was getting worse, I could feel it surging through me as I stepped from behind the wall glowing with my own black light "STOP IT" I shout blasting the pair of them outside the cave. I walked towards them as they both looked up Elijah eyes growing bigger as he sees me, Ashton however had the sexiest smug smile on his face "Ember" Elijah quietly says the look of shock plastered on his face "I am not yours got that Ashton oh and Elijah I don't need you defending my honour. While you guys was fighting did you forget that the clan is trying to kill me or are you both just a bunch of assholes that you no longer care if I die or is your hatred for one another more important" I spit the darkness surrounding me now disappearing as I breathe heavily. None of them spoke but they did both now stand up wiping sand off there clothing. I slowly calm down as I watch them both "Your right" Elijah says looking down to the ground                                   "It will be hard not to put this puppy down but I do anything for you princess" Ashton says walking towards me with Elijah behind him.                                                                                                                              

A couple of hours later we was back in the cave with me wearing a pair of black ripped jeans, a red crop top with a leather jacket that Elijah got for me from a town near by, but why he had to grab these ones that makes me look like a biker chick I don't know, well Its better then what Asthon would of got me, probably would of been a slutty dress that hardly covered anything.  I tied my hair in a tight pony tail and stuck on a pair of black trainers that Elijah also got for me, since when did he have money. Ashton disappeared saying he had to scout the area before we teleported out so it was just me and Elijah. The only trouble is he hasn't spoke to me since the me blasting him out the way incident "Hey Elijah thanks for these" I say looking up at him hoping he would at least look at me back "Its ok" he says clearly still annoyed with me "Are you mad at me?" I ask him as he packs the food in his bag "No" was all he says, "Pft you never been a good liar" I say to him giving him a small smile. He lifts his eyes at me slowly but does not give me a smile back "Come on Elijah you know I have magic so there's no reason to be mad. I am sorry that I shouted at you but.." before I could finish my sentence he cuts me off "You was going to kiss him" He says quietly, there was no anger but there was a lot of hurt in his voice  "What?" I say coming closer to him so I am now in front of him "If I didn't blast that devil out the way you would of kissed him" he says. I sit next to him grabbing his hands to stop him from putting anything else away and to look at me which he does. "That's what's bothering you" I was so confused why would me kissing Ashton bother him? I mean we was friends since we was kids. He was like my brother so why would he even care, Oh the prophecy he must be worried about me turning evil. I sigh and continue when he just looks at me "Look I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking. I mean yes I have all these weird feelings that must be the curse or the prophecy or whatever it is but I am gonna be strong from now on I promise" I say again giving him a smile "Fine" He says standing up removing my hands from his. I also stand up starting to get annoyed now. What the hell does he want from me "Look I said I'm sorry what more do you want" I tell him as his walking away causing him to stop "You don't understand anything Ember and that's fine I am used to you being oblivious" HUH "What do you mean by that?" I ask, for a moment he says nothing then he finally speaks "Forget it. Just give me a moment" He says walking away back to the beach leaving me alone. After a while Elijah comes back with Ashton next to him "Everything clear we can go" Ashton says already preparing a portal "But where are we going?" I ask, Ashton starts to smile before saying "We going to somewhere that will give you the truth about what's really going on" He says before grabbing my arm and pulling me into his chest       "You don't get to make decisions" Elijah snaps his hands fisted as he watches us both but Ashtons just smiles and says "Hurry up pup or I leave you here" he clicks his finger and a red portal opens smiling down at me he says "Get ready princess your in for a ride" before pulling me into the portal heading to a unknown destination. Yay me. 

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