Chapter Thirty Six

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We all stood as one as each guard came running towards us. Me and Ashton smiled before both our lights lit up, black and red swirling around each other before it slammed into the soldiers causing them to fly back as fire radiated over there skin, the smell of burnt flesh spread threw the air as screams echoed around us causing the soldiers behind them to stop in fear as they watched us, "Anyone else?" I asked, the bodies of the soldiers squirming on the floor in pain while some remained motionless. Ashton laughed next to me as Ava and Elijah stood next to us with there mouths open wide. The soldiers who was still standing didn't say anything instead they turned and ran back into the outside fields. I loosed Ashton hand and slowly went down back onto my feet turning towards Elijah "See if there is any survivors that need help" I tell him as Ashton places his hand on the bottom of my back "What is the point in that? They would of killed us" I turned my focus on my now lover "Its called mercy" I say before walking towards the stairs that leads to where my father was hiding. Surely he heard our battle, maybe he was scared? no, never he is biding his time that's what he must be doing. "Stop Ember" Ava shouts to me, I do as she says and stops "What?" I ask a little more sharply then I wanted to "his not there" She says making me turn on the spot "What?" I focus my black eyes back on her "I don't know where he is but I know his not there. I came from there when all this broke loose" I look down and then back up "Then where the fuc..." but before I could ask the question Ava's eyes suddenly start to bleed, the blood poured out of her sockets before she breaks down on the floor screaming. I run towards her holding her in my arms "Ava" I shout as I hold her in my arms. Suddenly Elijah is next to me his hands sparking electricity "Its your dad his here somewhere" I look up at him as slowly Ava starts to breathe again but her eyes blood shot red as blood stained her cheeks. Ashton slowly walks towards us "What fucked up power does he have?" he asks  his fists clenched to his side "Destruction" both Ava and Elijah answered. I stare at my best friend not wanting to release her from my grasp before a voice causes me to stand up and look up, the power inside me rising in full strength. 

"You think because you bonded that it changed anything" the face of a monster stares at me, the grey eyes had become psychotic, his father features had left nothing but a sour taste in my mouth "You are evil" I spit at him my light that was once glowing bright was slowly becoming dim. He slowly walked towards me his eyes focused on my own as he stared into my soul and breaking me from within. Only a few days ago I looked up to this man, I loved him, he was the man that bought me up but right now I felt nothing but hate "what's the matter Ember? You think that I loved you, that you was my daughter" he was coming closer, my heart hammered in my chest, tears streamed down my face and for some reason the power inside was slowly losing its glow. I was panicking, this is the main time I needed my power and for some reason it was slowly going. What the fuck was going on? "Only reason I took you in after killing your parents was to get that power inside you and that's exactly what I am going to do" the light has now gone and I was willing it to come back "You...You killed my parents?" I ask my voice shaking. Lockland doesn't answer instead he smiles and it showed how truly evil he was. Ashton stands in front of me "You are getting nothing" he growls before Lockland raises his hand and shoots a grey light at us causing Ashton to pull me down in his arms as a explosion blows up behind us. Elijah suddenly starts to shoot his electric towards Lockland who was quickly dodging them and soon enough Ashton joined in throwing his fire balls towards him, both men taking on my once father. Without my power that seemed to have gone into hiding facing the man that now has broken me, I bent down to Ava picking her up and leading her down the stairs where my father was going to do the ritual. She leaned heavily on me as she winced in my arms "I cannot see" She said her voice strained "its okay I have got you" I say leading her over into a safe corner and slowly sitting her down as the battle above echoes around us, the whole building shaking around us as I cradle her in my arms. The room was nothing but chilling. The walls was covered in bricks, the only light was from the few oil lamps on the walls. A red circle was in the middle of the room with a stone slab up in the air held up by stone podiums from what I can only guess was for ritual that I was supposed to be on.  A few minutes went by before suddenly silence, mine and Ava's breathing was the only sounds that could be heard "I need to see if they are okay" I whisper as I slowly stand up "What? no Ember" Ava begged, her body shaking with her knees held up to her chest "Don't worry Ava I will be back" I hug her tightly before slowly walking back up the stairs. The hall now was fully destroyed, rocks was all across the floor, burn marks was all over the walls and floor. Elijah was lying across the floor completely knocked out, I run straight towards him my finger on his neck "Thank god his alive" I whisper my eyes looking around the room for Ashton but he was no where to be seen neither was Lockland. I run outside and the same destruction was out there. Trees was caught on fire as the hills was blown to bits but still there was no sign of Ashton or Lockland, the only thing that I could see was nothing but a battle that suddenly was silenced. I was about to give up until Ava screams causing me to turn and run back down the stairs. I run as quickly as I can, everything inside me was screaming that something bad was happening and sadly it was. Lockland was holding Ava in the air by her throat her screaming causing my heart to drop "Let her go" I scream but Lockland just looked at me his skin becoming pale, burn marks covered his body. "Its you or her Ember. Let me have your power for Ava's life" he looks at me as tears streamed down my cheeks "Please don't hurt her" I beg him going down on my knees as finally I gave up. I lost my parents, Ashton has disappeared which meant he most likely dead all I have left is Ava and I didn't want to lose her. Lockland does speak instead he grips her throat more tightly "Give me your power" he spits and before I could answer him Ava suddenly lifts her hand and slaps him with a slap of ice causing him to drop her on the floor. "Run" I shout and Ava quickly stood up on shaken feet as she suddenly started to run. Lockland directs his eye contact to her and then time stood still as Ava suddenly stops and turns "I am sorry" she whispers before her body suddenly becomes blown into bits, body parts splattering across the room as I scream causing my black light to come back with a vengeance shining bright "You bastard" I scream opening up my chest and letting every bit of my power to fly out and hit Lockland causing him to fly into the wall. This was the last battle and I was about to kill the man who bought me up.  

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