Chapter Two

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Authors Notes 

Hope you all enjoying reading this story. I would really appreciate comments on what you think and if I could improve anything. Now lets get back to it enjoy. 

My body was hot and I mean I could of gave lava a run for its money, not just that but I was struggling to breathe, it was like instead of sleeping I was running a marathon. The strangest thing out of it all was that it felt like I didn't have one minute of sleep, my eyes was stinging and my body was sore especially my back that stung when I stretched my arms over my head. Slowly I got out of bed and walked to the full length mirror that was opposite my bed. Thankfully I was still wearing pyjamas, I removed my top and turned intaking a breath when I saw the largest bruise on my back where in my dream I was slammed into the wall. What the hell? I must of done something in my sleep, I mean surely it was just a dream, how can it be anything else? but it did feel so real, no no no it was a dream stop being a idiot Ember. After a few more seconds of looking at the discoloration of the skin on my back I finally walked to the bathroom in the hall. Dad was usually at work by now so I had the house to myself today as I didn't have to go to work, I hated not working the days seemed to last a lot long when I had nothing to do. In the bathroom I turned the taps of the small bath that was in the small bathroom with its blue walls, watching the water fill the basin which was soon full, the steam screaming me to come in. I was naked and ready to have every inch of my body relax from the warm water. I made sure to put bath salts and bubble bath in to help soothe my stresses and running mind but surely enough it made it worse. My brain was on a run, questions after question was smacking me in the face, was it real? who was the guy in my dream? how did I get that bruise? I was trying my best to ignore it but I'm guessing not having a good sleep didn't help which was also playing on my mind, I did not wake up once so why does it feel I stayed up all night. After an hour I was out the bath and in a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black top, my hair was plaited down my back. I made up my mind, the best person to talk to when you was in distress was your best friend and mine only lived down the street. I ran down the stairs grabbing my key off the hook and went straight through the front door making sure to lock it before walking up the path. I walked quickly down the street everything being quiet all you could hear was my footsteps on the pavements from my black boots. Everything seemed eerily silent which was not unusual for where I lived it wasn't a big town, it was rare that you saw anyone. Once I reached Ava's door I knocked twice, I only had to wait a few seconds before a tall brunnette beauty answered, her smile wide on her young features, her bright blue eyes sparkling "EMMM" she shouted grabbing me in a tight embrace "Where have you been? it seemes ages" She said pulling me into the house "I been at work and you only seen me a few days ago" "oh that means nothing You know I worry" she went over to the kitchen clicking the kettle on "Cuppa?" she asked, "A coffee please" I replied rubbing my hands over my face, man I was so tired "Damn Em you look knackered" she said sitting next to me, "I am so tired, which is one of the reasons I'm here. I had the most strangest dreams and I feel like I had zero sleep even though I didn't wake up once and me and you both know I always wake up in the night" Em didn't say anything but for some reason she had a strange look in her eyes that I couldn't quite make out. We sat quiet for a bit listening to the kettle boil until we heard the click that it was done. Ava stood up without saying a word, grabbing two cups from the cupboard, then adding a tea bag in one and a spoonful of coffee in the other "What was this dream about then?" she finally asked. I didn't know how to answer but I tried my best "Well I was in a red bedroom and there was this man who was trying to uhm uhm" I felt my face redden "go on" she pressed as she came walking over putting both cups on the small coffee table in front of us "Well he was saying weird things but I think he was trying to seduce me, and my body was like on fire and I wanted nothing more then to give in. I guess it was a normal naughty dream" I said as I listened to myself talk out loud "I see" I looked up, her face stern like nothing I seen, she is usually always smiling, always cheery not once have I seen her sad or angry. That was Ava always hiding behind a smile, but as I looked at her in the eyes they were filled with worry "What is the matter?" I asked grabbing the steaming cup of coffee, just the aroma was already waking me up, I took a sip enjoying the hot bitter taste "What did this guy look like?" She asked ignoring my question completely, I took another sip of coffee before I answered "Well he was very handsome" my cheeks reddening once again "What did he look like?" she asked again, "Uhm he had dark hair, very muscular I mean his arms were..." "Not about his muscles what did his face look like? What did he wear?" She snapped grabbing my hand, causing the coffee to fall on the floor with a clatter and my liquid energy on the ground staining the soft white rug "Ava what the hell" Her face held a panic and I had no idea why but by the way her eyebrows furrowed and how her eyes was searing into me, I had no choice but to answer "He had black eyes like really black and he was wearing a red suit with a black shirt with some buttons undone. He also wore a ring on his middle finger, it had some sort of symbol on it" her eyes widened her grip tightening on my arm "What was the symbol?" her voice was low, it was barely a whisper, she looked terrified "I don't know it was just a ring" I said pulling my arm from her and standing up "Ava what is with that look? I told you it was just a dream" she looked down as she spoke "Ember this is important you need to answer me what was the symbol on the ring?" I sighed folding my arms across my chest "It was like a pentagram but it had a black rose in the middle" I answered, her head suddenly snapped up, panic radiating the room she grabbed her phone from off the table and suddenly started to dial. "Hey what's up? who you ringing?" I asked walking towards her but she just held up a hand to gesture me to stop as she spoke quickly "Lockland its me you need come to mine now, its a black rose" She hung up quickly as I stormed up to her "You rung my dad. Ava what the hell" She grabbed me and hugged me tightly "Ember we will explain everything but you need to phone work and tell them your fathers ill and you don't know when you can go back. They will understand" I blinked a few times confusion filling me to my core "Ava just tell me what's going on?" I asked into her hair, she let go quickly "Your dad will tell you everything but..." that was it I had enough they were obviously keeping something from me "No you need to tell me now, No you know what I'm leaving screw this" But as I got to the front door I felt a slight prick on my neck. My hand automatically touched where the pinch was and as I turned round Ava was standing there a needle in her hand "What...what" Everything was going black but I'm sure I heard a soft sob and Ava saying she was sorry as my vision blurred. "Dont let him get to you" was the last thing I heard before entering a garden.

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