Chapter Five

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This time everything was different then what I was used to in these dreams, for one I was actually wearing clothes if you could call a silky peach slim gown with a slit down my right leg clothes but from being usually in something that showed most my skin it was a nice change. My hair was silken down my back in loose curls and I must admit I looked damn good, the dress complimented every one of my curves and the peach colour of the gown blended well with my pale complexion. I was in a beautiful ball room, the floor a reflective mirror where I could see myself through the glass floor. Everything else shimmered golden and black, the walls looking like marble that made the room even more exquisite, it was like being in a fairy-tale and I was a beautiful princess except that the handsome prince I was meeting was the villain. My eyes couldn't help but search every part of the room, from the grand chandelier above me to the circular staircase in the corner that seemed to lead to a balcony. I was quite certain that there was no way I would escape, I'm sure if I looked there be the normal huge wall that I seen the last couple of times and I also knew Ashton was here which made my heart pound hard in my chest. It didn't take me long to find that one person I was not hoping to talk to, usually he would be behind me but this time he was in front of me standing there looking like a god. He was wearing his usual red suit with the black shirt, I could see the small smile etched across his face, he slowly walked towards me those eyes focusing on me his dark hair that was usually tousled was now slicked back like a perfect gentleman "Ashton" I whispered, that stopped him in his tracks his eye widened as that was the first time I mentioned his name, well duh I didn't know his name till today. "So they finally told you my name. I must admit it sounds perfect out of your mouth" his voice was like honey, "I know what you are and whatever your playing at it wont work" I told him as he started towards me once again this time not stopping, I stood my ground my hands fisted by my side. He was now stood in front of me looking down at me as my eyes latched on to his dark ones "All I want Ember is you" those dark black eyes was filled with hunger and I know that they were only like that for me but only because of the power that was inside of me, they were searching every bit of me and my god it made my panties wet, everything inside me was fighting these feeling but how can you fight such animalistic desires. I didn't say anything I just stared at him waiting for him to attack me like he usually did but what he did shock me he held out his hands and asked in the most sincere voice I ever heard him say "Dance with me? it be a waste to not while your looking like a angel" I glared at him my hands still by my sides, I did not plan on doing anything that would tempt me. "I don't think so devil" I was expecting him to snap at me, to grab me to even hold me down but instead he slowly smiled his hands now by his side as he looked deep in my soul "I am a devil" he spoke softly, his hand slowly lifting to stroke my cheek "but I am your devil" I slapped his hand from my cheek and stepped back keeping his gaze "Your nothing to me" I said. Ashton didn't say anything instead he stared at me for a while making me feel more then uncomfortable, until all of a sudden I felt it, the soft touch of the wind caressing the bare skin of my leg, it felt so good like a gentle kiss, I closed my eyes as the soft breeze went up to my chest making my nipples hard. "what's.." I stopped as soon as the wind caressed my neck, my hair floating in the wind. "I am everything to you and you are everything of mine" his voice was inside the wind as it touched every part of my skin, it went lower tickling the most intimate part of my body making me gasp in pleasure. I fell to my knees as the intensity got stronger, I didn't know what was happening but as I opened my eyes I could see myself in the floor, my face was flushed, everything inside me was bubbling into a ecstasy that I could not get enough of "Stop" I whispered as now instead of wind I felt something more worse, I could not explain what it was but it was powerful and so much more pleasurable like a warm heat making every inch of my body collapse. I moaned as something wet touched my neck like cool water from the land of lust was licking my neck, it was torture, I couldn't stop reacting to it. "As you can see my power is yours which is why you react to it so beautifully" His voice was so close, so husky,  I looked up and he was above me, standing there with now no suit jacket or a shirt, he was topless and I could see every inch of those gorgeous abs, those defined V lines that made my mouth water. "What are you doing to me" I could just get the words out in a breathy whisper as more magic touched me and licked every part of my skin. I didn't know how to make it stop, I knew it was Ashton he was using his power on me, the wind, the water and now they was both making me squirm, I loved it but hated it. "Stop it" I screamed as I stood up blasting Ashton along the floor. I glimpsed my self in the mirrored floor, I was sweating and flustered but I was also surrounded by my black light my eyes glowing. "You look breath-taking" his voice had turned into nothing but lustful, dominance gleamed in his eyes as he stood up stepping closer to me. "Get away from me" I shouted trying to figure out how I pushed him away before but honestly I didn't know how I did it. I breathed in and out glaring at the man that changed my life and put it in danger. "Did you know that you put me in danger Ashton" I told him as he again stood in front of me this time his hands tight on my arms. "What do you mean?" he said his voice low and hard "The clan found out that you found me and now they want to kill me" I told him trying to wiggle out his arms. "No one will hurt you" he said lowering his mouth so it was mere inches from mine "I will kill and torture anyone who hurts my dark queen" I turned my face away from him "I am not yours" I whispered my voice failing me. For damn sake why was he doing this to me. "Ember you are mine" he seethed but before I could answer back I awoke to a large bang coming from above me and a scream that was all to familiar. 

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