Chapter Eleven

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The door came crashing towards us the wood completely smashed and in pieces. Ashton stood there his eyes only focused on me. Elijah hand was glowing with electricity but he did not yet shoot whatever it is he shoots. "How did you find me? you said you didn't know where I was" I ask him my voice quiet and not as near as brave as it is in the dreams. I mean there dreams but this is reality. He did not wear his usual suit instead he was wearing tight black jeans and a red t-shirt. His hair was messy but in the sexy way that it covered one of his dark eyes. Elijah did not say anything he just stood there keeping me behind his back his hand ready to defend "I didn't my love but lets just say Elijah forgotten to keep you hidden like your father used to. It was much easier to trace your location and my oh my your more beautiful then in your dreams" He started to walk forward but that was when Elijah shot a thunder of electricity at him, it didn't do anything Ashton just flicked his hand and it shot to the side causing a massive burn and hole in the wooden shack. I couldn't do anything I just stepped back scared senseless. I was frozen on the spot watching as the two guys began to stare each other down "I wont let you take her" Elijah finally says his eyes only on the enemy "Is that right" Ashton drawled, the venom seeping through those words "And how can you stop me Elijah. Your nothing but a puppy in a forest full of wolves" He says taking another step forward, Elijah again threw his hand forward causing another electric shot blast at Ashton but again Ashton flicked his hand and made it throw towards the other side of the shack causing another burn and hole, unlike last time instead of him doing nothing he pointed his finger at Elijah "Move away from Ember" He says his eyes now blazing but instead of the black I was used to, it was now swimming with red, something that sent shivers down my spine "No" was all Elijah said. Ashton smirked and then something happened that made my heart sink,  Elijah was thrown to the other side of the cabin against the wall screaming in pain "NO" I screamed as Elijah body withered. I have no idea what Ashton was doing to him but it must of been excruciating, Elijah face contorted in torture as Ashtons eyes now returned to me "Let him go now" I shouted at Ashton and to my surprise he did. Elijah slumped to the floor sweat dripping from his forehead.  Ashton again walked towards me this time he got to his prey, his hand lifted and caressed the side of my face "I been searching for you for a long time" Both hands was now on my face and slowly his lips came close to mine but before he could kiss me a lightening bolt struck him causing him to fly through the wall, "Run Ember" Elijah weak voice shouted to me. As much as it hurt I did as he said and ran towards the forest again I had no shoes and I was only wearing the pyjamas I slept in but adrenaline over took my body, I sprinted as fast as I could not feeling the pain on my bare feet, my heart pounding in my chest, sweat beading from my brow, my legs tried there best to get away.

As soon as I thought I got far away enough that he would not find me, I leaned against a tree trying to get my breath back. My eyes closed as I breathed in the morning air, "Thought you get away that quick huh" His voice I opened my eyes and there he was right in front of me, black eyes swimming with red staring straight at me "Please just leave me alone" I whispered trying my best not to cry "I cant Ember, don't you get it your my everything you belong with me" he comes closer so my back is against the tree, his hand above my head trapping me in "I can keep you safe. Elijah cant but I can" He says leaning his face close to mine "No one will hurt you my dark princess" He kisses me but this time I don't respond instead I push him back "No this is not a dream Ashton you cannot have me. I know exactly what you are your a devil, the only reason you want me is to become more powerful" He doesn't say anything instead his eyes just burn mine "Ember it hurts me that you cannot see how much I need you" He grabs me by the arms and pushes me into his strong chest "But I cannot convince you here I need to take you home" I start to fight against his arms pushing, scratching anything to let him loose me but it doesn't work his much to strong  "Let me go" I spit at him but he doesn't listen "No" I shout again and this time something happens the black smoke from before returns and this time it blasts Ashton away from me so he lands on the floor. He sits up rubbing his head "Oh my princess your starting to learn" He stands up with much more determination in his eyes "Stay away from me" I shout but he just smiles "How can I stay away from such beauty" That was the same thing he said in my dream and damn myself it caught me off guard but before he could grab me again a lightening bolt hits him in right in the chest causing him to collapse. Elijah run towards me grabs my hand in his and runs with me. I don't know how long we was running for but man I was getting tired. We stop out by the clearing and into the streets. "We should be safe in public but can never be to sure" He says something under his breath and next thing I know my head begins to swoon, and I land on all fours on soft sand. I can hear the water smashing against rocks, bird chirping in the sky. I lift my head up and see we are on a beach, there was no one around but us "Come on Ember we going there" I look up to where he was pointing and see an entrance to a cave "Absolutely not" I say lifting my self up off the ground. "Its safe in there I promise you" I cross my arms over my chest "yes unless I want to be eaten by bears" He chuckles and I think that the first time I heard him laugh since school, and like then its intoxicating "There are no bears in that cave now come on" He again holds my hand and begins to walk but not until a man dressed in black robes and a long hood covering his face comes out.  "Aleksander what are you doing here?" Elijah asks pulling me behind him, the man doesn't speak instead he shoots a fire ball straight at us causing Elijah to pull me down "Sorry Elijah she needs to die and your helping her which means you die to" the man says in a strong Russian accent. Elijah stands up but I stay down watching as his hands glow "I will not let you kill her Alek she not done anything against the clan" He says raising his hands "They are wrong and you know it" He says but this Alek guy says nothing he just stands there, after a few seconds he shoots another fire ball. I dive out the way and so does Elijah before shooting a Electric bolt. Alek jumps out the way before running towards Elijah grabbing him by the throat throwing him down his hand close to his face "I am sorry brother" he says but before I could throw myself at him or even scream Alek gets thrown to the floor. I turn my head to see Ashton walking towards us his hands glowing red "Aleksander what a pleasure" He snarls, I could see that Aleksander was trying his best to move but couldn't. "I am sorry the clan put you in this mess but I am afraid its time for you to die" He says before Aleksander starts to scream, as his body begins to burn, I close my eyes but that doesn't stop the screams, they was full of anguish, full of pain, something that you would never forget is when a man is screaming to death. Literally. After a while I feel strong arms picking me up and I knew exactly who they were "You can open your eyes princess" Ashton says and all I can see is those black eyes that saved my friend "You saved him" I say to him quietly "Only because of you I would have happily of burnt him too" I wriggle myself out and take a step back "Your evil" I say as Elijah stands up "You am not taking her Ashton" He says his hand once again up "I cannot when the clan is trying to kill her. I am going to help you Elijah" He says causing me and Elijah to gasp. 

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