Chapter Nineteen

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Right now, me, Ashton and a very quiet Elijah was standing at the edge of the lake staring at the once again stunning pink crystal building, I couldn't believe how beautiful it was, just beyond stunning "Who lives there?" I asked turning to face Ashton, his dark eyes staring at the mansion himself with a smile "That would be Amanda" He answers "She is a powerful witch that drains powers we need to be careful crossing this lake, we will be on her property to get to where we need to be" Elijah straighten himself out "I never heard of such a power" He says grabbing my hand causing Ashton to purse his lips "Well then we need to be careful and quiet" he brings his hand up that starts to have his normal red glow, at first I was wondering what he was doing but definitely feeling nervous and excited. Slowly the lake started to ripple as a small rowing boat emerges, it was wonderous as the water moved while the boat lifted up "How did you do that?" I asked as the boat came closer to us. Elijah didn't speak he just got in the boat first helping me in the seat next to him. The boat wasn't anything special it was a normal brown rowing boat with two paddles on either side, but I guess it does the job "Its hidden only certain people can cross Amandas lake, I am one of the lucky ones" He states as he too steps in the boat grabbing an oar, "You can push the other paddle pup" Elijah didn't argue he just grab the paddle and started doing his job while I moved to the middle of the row of seats to give him room. "Are you in some sort of relationship with her then?" I don't know why I asked that but the side smirk he gave me made me feel like a fool "I.I.I just meant well since you can cross her lake..."before I could finish, he interrupts me "No I am not but she has some sort of obsession with me which makes this little trip of our easier" He smiles at me those dark eyes eating my own alive, at first i thought them as scary, beautiful but scary but now I think they are gorgeous and they make me feel things I completely don't want, lord help me.

It had been at least ten minutes on the boat, it was relaxing listening to the water, feeling the air on my face so much so that I started to close my eyes and let me body rest, but you know what they say "the calm before the storm" the clouds had all over sudden became black where rain started to pour hard, the wind picked up dramatically causing the boat to rock vigorously. I grabbed the sides as Elijah and Ashton tried to stabilise "Fucking Jake" Ashton spat as the wind seemed to push the boat hard towards the grass by the crystal mansion. I was shaking as I felt the rain hit me on the side of the face, I couldn't see anything all I could hear was the temper of the wind, and boy was it angry. "What the fuck is going on?" I screamed trying to get over the noise of the water splashing at the sides of the boat "Jake his causing this, he is Amandas bitch boy" I didn't have to wait long to know what he meant. On the edge of the lake was a very much handsome man, his hair as long and blue like his eyes yes that looked like dark sapphires, his hand was glowing bright grey like the colour of the sky right now. He was wearing only a pair of grey shorts, while he had nothing on his feet, it's a wonder he wouldn't get sick from standing in this rain that poured down his bare muscular chest. All three of us fell forward as the boat hit the ground, straight away I looked up to Jakes face that had no emotion, it was completely stoic "Hello Jake I am guessing Amanda sent you" Ashton was the first to stand, shaking his hair dry right in front of this Jake. Elijah was next helping me stand to my feet "Yes she wants to see you" He says starting to walk away, I guess he wasn't a talker "And what if we don't want to?" Elijah asks not moving at all "Then you die" Was all Jake says, Elijah went to retaliate but Ashton looks at him and shakes his head. Elijah just glares at him but doesn't say anything but instead grabs my hand and starts to walk, following Ashton.

It wasn't really a long walk only about five minutes to the pink mansion which now looking at it was more of a small castle and even more beautiful up close. The pink crystals sparkled in the sun that now was shining once again, it was breath-taking but not as gorgeous as the woman that walked out of the huge pink double doors, The first thing I noticed was that she was completely naked apart from the silk robe that she had wide open, everything was on show including her perky boobs that I wish I could not see but hey guess if you got it flaunt it. Her hair was long right down to her bottom but as dark as Ashton eyes, pure long black hair, bright green eyes that shined as soon as they met with Ashton. All I could say was this woman was like a goddess, right from her beautiful and innocent looking face that held so much lust that could or even has lured many men in her bed which included her model figure including her height that must have been at least five foot eight maybe even nine. She sauntered over to us and stood right in front of Ashton wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her body against him "Ashton you use my lake without even saying hello" She slowly loosed him and look behind him to us but mainly me, her eyes travelling down my now very much damp body "well well I see you bought guests" I couldn't help but shoot her an evil, She might look like an angel but hell I didn't like her "We need to get to my place, your lake is only where to get there" He answers causing her eyes to revert back to Ashton. Amanda turns round her bare bottom on full display that caused Elijah cheeks to tint pink, now I know why he hasn't spoken, "Well I'm sure you can come in for a little bit. It seems you also need to dry up a little bit" Ashton nods but doesn't speak "That be great" I answer with a smile, I probably don't like this slut but hell I could do with becoming dry "Well then follow me" She says walking through the double doors, Elijah walks past me and heads follows Amanda but before I could get to the doors Ashton grabs my arm "Listen to me you do not go anywhere alone, you stay by me" He says his grip still hard on my arm "Ok" was all I could say, he look downright serious and that was scary. Amanda did not look dangerous, but the way Ashton was staring right into my eyes right now made me think I must be wrong and hell I was about to find out. 

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