Chapter Twenty Six

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Standing face to face with the warlock who has always been jealous of me should have been fun but the only thing I felt was unstoppable rage. Ember was in danger from being taken from me, already two men have tried to seduce her one of them admitting his undying love that had sent me in a bad mood then another appears and nearly kisses her that just sent me in a frenzy. Paul was standing there glowing his ridiculous red that should of matched mine but his power never have, it might be similar to my own but it was nothing like mine, "Give me Ember" He spits both of us only inches away from each other fists clenched "She belongs to me" I snap back now feeling all my power build up to the surface, "Then I will have to kill you Ashton" He starts to glow as bright as I am "Never will I die from a loser like you" With that I feel the fire swirl round my fist before I punch him in the face hearing the bones in his chin crack underneath. Paul goes flying across the street smashing into one of the houses causing it to crack underneath his weight, but as I knew that would not stop Paul, he stands up quickly and shoots me with a fireball which I dodge. This fucker never went down easily, I soon throw one of my own fire balls back at him but he too doges it landing on his back shooting a blast of fire nearly hitting Elijah who just spots it in time and throws himself to the side where Sasha grabs him with a vine bringing him up to face him "I wont kill you Elijah" She presses her lips to his before swinging him to the floor "but I will hurt you" She tells him with that flirty voice of hers "Gross" I shout before lifting my hand up to her and watch as she lands on the floor howling in pain. Paul is running at me now while shooting his fireballs at me, what a trouble maker, with a flick of my finger I bring him down to with my power of intense pain. I never knew where this power of torture came from but one thing I do know is it takes a lot out of me "Pup we need to take these down Ember not safe" I say lifting Elijah off the floor by his hand, he looks at me and nods before illuminating blue, lightening coming off his body in sparks.  Impressive. 

Right now was something I never thought was going to happen me and Elijah who both trying to win the same girls heart (Even though her heart already belongs to me) Was standing as ally's both facing two powerful beings. Even though Sasha looked beautiful and innocent she was a force to be reconned with, she controlled the elements and that was something that no one could beat. Then there was Paul who like me controlled fire and has always been powerful at one stage he wasn't even more enemy, maybe even someone who could of became a friend until I ended up more powerful and he got pushed aside and since then has done nothing but hate me internally. Paul was never a bad guy his own bitterness is what turned him to the dark side where he ended up becoming the killing machine for the clan, not realising they had already been tainted when a new leader came in. None of that mattered right now all that mattered was Ember was safe I could see her looking through the window completely petrified, the only thing that bothered me was where was that fucker Vincent. While me and Elijah was battling and was still battling , Elijah shooting his electric bolts at Sasha once again while also throwing punches now while I was squaring off with Paul both of us trying to hit the other, Vincent disappeared and now I lost him altogether, it had me fucking worried. "Paul your better then this" I spit at him landing a punch with my hand covered in flames causing him to fall on his knees "Your not good enough to battle me just give up" I tell him bending down to face him grabbing him by the scruff of the neck lifting him up "Paul this is your last chance" Paul doesn't respond instead he screams with a blast of fire that sends me flying back smashing through a wall and landing into a house. Everything in me filled with excruciating pain, dammit who knew smashing into concrete could become this painful but who gave a fuck Ember was in danger. Slowly I stood back up my legs wobbling underneath me, most my clothes was now burned up, my black t-shirt covered in scorch marks showing a lot of my chest, my jeans was ripped and covered in dirt and dust but the one thing that I am glad Ember could not see was the power that spiked through me, my eyes turned bright red, fire swirling around me like a tornado. Paul walked through the hole I smashed through his own fire illuminating him but he didn't have what I had inside me the need to protect, the need to fight, the need to keep the one I love. Everything inside me burned in rage I would not lose, nothing or no one is going to take Ember away from me, for a long time I have felt nothing but loneliness, felt nothing but hate and now I finally found something that makes me feel passion, someone who makes my black heart pound whenever she was near me, every time she held my hand my skin burned more then the fire I controlled, whenever our lips met I feel like my whole existence was meant for me just to kiss her, just to feel her body pressed against mine and nothing was going to get in the way of that. Paul stood there only for a few seconds before he starts to glow causing my eyes to widen and my jaw to slightly drop.  I know exactly what was coming it was something he could never do and now I was staring at the middle aged man as fire started to expand out his skin in a huge flame shield, he was about to throw the biggest fire blast yet and I had nothing to cover myself with except the only thing I knew would work. 

Pauls flame was getting bigger and bigger and once he reached his maximum he threw the wall of fire towards me making me feel every bit of his power but the one thing he forgot was that I was the king of fire. I mastered everything he just learned when I was young so when I walked through with nothing but my glowing red skin that absorbed all of what the gave to me I stood in front of him while he dropped to the floor all his energy gone. "Paul its over give up" I tell him my voice becoming nothing but hateful "Leave and take her with you" I point my eyes over to Sasha who was lying on the floor unconscious with Elijah kneeling down next to her "I am letting you go because we have history but this is your last chance" Paul looks up at me his eyes completely empty, "Pathetic" I hiss walking past him. I knew what he was going to do but I hoped he would take my advise and go but instead I hear him stand up and go to attack me from behind. I dodge his fist that's full of flame and grab his neck lifting him up off the ground "Your nothing and will always be nothing" I whisper before my hand glows bright red while I squeeze his neck, his body squirms in my hand, his fingernails scratching at my face as he tried his best to get out of my grasp but its to late because from now on only Ember life matters. After a few seconds his body goes limp as I drop him to the ground "Just to be sure" I shoot off a small spark and watch as his whole body sets a light. I let out a sigh and turn round to deal with Sasha but she was already gone, "Where the fuck is she?" I snap looking at Elijah who was sitting against a wall rubbing his head "she fucking slammed me in the head with a stone fuck" blood was dripping off his forehead he looked as bad as me. "Oh my god are you both okay "Ember trembled voice came from behind me. I quickly turn round to see her running towards us it doesn't take me long to grab her arm and pull me into my very naked chest and well...a squeal makes me smile into her hair "Ashton your naked" She tells me in such a cute and quiet voice, "trouble is you are not" I tell her feeling my rage calm down and what was even better was Elijah glaring at me, hahaha poor puppy "Ok we need to get out of here" Ember says pushing me back with her small hands on my chest leaving me feeling more heated then when I was fighting "And finding you some clothes" She also says looking down towards my more intimate area bfore turning away covering her eyes with her hands, her cheeks very red. I started to laugh when a voice from above us speaks "Are you guys done flirting or can we actually go" Vincent shouted from above the roof holding his sword. This fucker got a lot to answer. 

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