Chapter Thirty Four

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I started to pace my room after a few hours  of Ava and Elijah leaving me alone to process everything that was said and making my mind up that Elijah was a pervert. His plan was something I never expected and now I was more nervous then anything. Here was me thinking that it would just be a simple break out. Kill all the bad guys and we all live happily ever after but instead he was making me wait until he sneaked Ashton out of the cell and into my bedroom so we could "Bond" a nice way of saying we was going to make love. He didn't even tell me how the hell he was going to break him out of a prison cell that held power to stop Ashton use his red light but I suppose Elijah was pretty convincing and seemed to have my dads or now I am going to call him asshole trust. I started to walk towards the only window in my room and stare out of it, the place was beautiful. Colours blended together from green to a beautiful yellow and orange from the sun slowly setting, it was stunning and even though everything seemed to be crazy and evil right now, nature always calmed everything even the most bizarre of situations. I stood there of at least another ten minutes until the most seductive voice broke me out of the trance "Your more beautiful then a sun set my dark queen" I slowly turn to face him, the man that made everything in me burn. Ashton stood there shirtless and covered in grime, his tousled hair messy, he was covered in bruises and cuts his lips was split but even so he was still the most handsome man I ever seen. His eyes was burning into my own "how...How did he do it?" I ask as Ashton stands there his hands fisted by his side "The little pup seems to have a few sneaky tricks in him" I started to get nervous holding my hands Infront of me as my thumbs fidgeted with each other "How is what I asked" I say quietly as a smirk forms across his face "He seduced the nature slut to give him the key. I suppose he told her that he wanted to just get some vengeance on me but she also seemed to want to play too" my eye evert down to the whips across his chest. I walk towards him letting my fingers go across the bruised skin and the many cuts that was displayed all over him "That's horrible" I whisper, he lifts my head up with his hand, his dark eyes shining into mine "but when she went to lock me back in the cell he kissed her and then she immediately forgotten. Elijah the smart pup out seduced the seductress leading her out and now I am guessing his sold his soul to the devil because if he backed out she would know something is up" I could not help but let my jaw drop and my mouth go wide open "He is...right now he is" Ashton laughed making my skin crawl "Yes I think his getting down and dirty with the enemy but I don't think he would want to. Anyways when I thought the coast was clear I sneaked out and made my way to you" I let my hands slide up his muscled arms letting them rest on his shoulders "How did you know what room I was in?" I ask him breathlessly as his hands started to caresses down my own arms causing heat to build inside me "I will always find you" after that he put his lips to mine and kissed me like I was the only woman in the world. At first it was slow his hands still holding my arms before after a while he pushed me closer to his body and the kiss became fevered and both of us was losing ourselves. Our lights started to shine, black and red mixing together as my hand moved up to his hair gripping it tight as his hands started to remove the only bit of clothing I had on which is was my nighty. Slowly he lifted it up but I immediately backed away quickly causing him to breathe heavily as he stared at me, his eyes shining like the onyx gems I loved. I thought that everything inside me would deny this but it was the opposite, I was drawn to this devil, everything inside me needed this and when at first I was afraid I was no longer, instead it was the only thing that felt right in the world. Ashton mouth began to move but when I lifted my nighty over my head leaving me bare Infront of him that's when he shut his mouth and his eyes started to roam my naked body.

I watch him as he eyes went down to my bare chest  then even lower to the most intimate part of me that caused my face to flush red "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen Ember" He says as he starts to remove his boots then his ratted jeans leaving me to now look down and start to feel even more scared. He was, oh my god this was going to be the death of me. This is how I will die to that beast of a thing "That is not going just wont" He laughs and walks towards me pulling me to the bathroom "wait I thought we was going to the bed" I tell him before he lets me go and turns on the shower. He looks down at me his eyes filled with hunger "I have been in a cell all day being beaten. I think I deserve a shower plus no one will come in if they think your naked and taking a shower" He kisses me again before locking the bathroom door and moving me into the warm water watching as each drop dripped down my skin "I like this view" he says stepping in and looking down at me as water dripped down his muscles causing my heart to hammer in my chest and everything inside me burn. I again flush red as I start to touch his chest. He moves my hand and grabs the soap off the side before rubbing it into his large hands and starts to massage it into my skin causing me to moan. I feel him tense in front of me as he goes to my breast and starts to go lower to my stomach his finger hitting every spot causing me to arch my back. He then stops and starts to put the soap over his body his eyes never leaving mine "You are teasing me" I say to him my voice barely able to speak "It is a lot of fun" he says as he puts the soap down and pushes me against the wall "Ashton I think I lov..." but before I can say the forbidden words he kisses me so passionately that I lose myself, my back is against the wall as Ashton naked body is against mine, the warm water washing over us as I wrap my arms around his neck feeling the power inside starting to come to the surface again. Ashton hands start to roam down to my leg lifting it up before suddenly I feel him press inside me and I scream "It will only last a moment" he whispers in my ears as he thrusts slowly. I never felt this way before, the passion was unbearable and even though this was my first time it did not feel like it because instead of pain I feel power. So much power radiate off me as my black light starts to radiate the room and when Ashton starts to pick up speed, his own light glowing even brighter. Ashton picks me up, leaning me against the wall as my legs automatically wrap around him as his mouth meets mine continuing to thrust, our lights connecting like I never seen before. The building starts to shake and everything in the airs starts to glow, shouts begin to come from behind my bedroom door but me and Ashton don't stop we go faster and when I start to scream in pleasure my eyes turning fully black as Ashtons go red that's when we stop our connection bonded. We both stare at each other, our eyes now something out of a fantasy. His eyes have gone a bright red as mine has gone to black. He wraps a long finger over my now platinum blonde hair as I put my hand onto his now healed lip and when my eyes go down all his cuts and bruises have disappeared. We have become the god and goddess of Demonae and when the bathroom door breaks down it seems that everyone now knows.  

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